Six months into blogging and to say I have learned a lot is an understatement. Find out her what I wish I knew during my first month blogging.

5 things I wish I had known during my First Month Blogging

So I have officially been a mommy/lifestyle blogger for a whole six months. For you seasoned bloggers out there, I am sure you, six months now feels like nothing. For my readers who are new to blogging, six months may feel like a lifetime. To me? It was very much so the dipping of my…

Check out the April 2017 Blog Income Report of a brand new mommy blogger. (PS, it was my first full calendar month blogging.)

April 2017 Blogging Income Report

So I  survived my first whole, official calendar month blogging. Now for the question on everyone’s mind. What did my income look like? Well, while it was not much, there was some there, so here goes my first official blog income report for the month of April 2017. (Technically I started my blog at the…