Paying off debt is hard, but you can make it easier with a credit counselor! Find out how!

Why you NEED a Credit Counselor in your Debt Payoff Plan

As many of you are aware, gaining control of my family’s debt is one of the big goals I have for 2018. From creating my family’s debt payoff plan, (find out how to put one together here) to implementing my own strategies, to say I have been learning a lot about finances would be an…

Finding extra money to pay off debt can be rough. Check out these apps to start earning extra money today!

11 Apps to make Extra Money to Destroy your Debt

Disclosure- This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click on a link on this page, I may be compensated at no additional cost to you. It may not be much, but I am using it to pay off my own pile of debt. So you have decided to make the commitment to pay…

Need to get out of debt but do not know where to start? Create a debt payoff plan, and learn how here!

How to Create a Debt Payoff Plan without Losing your Mind

When you decide to create a debt payoff plan, it can seem like an overly daunting task, especially in the beginning. When you have calls coming in 5 & 6 times a day, bills in the mailbox from creditors and collections, and no idea where to start. Yeah, it is overwhelming, to say the least….