20 Self Care ideas for Mom that take 30 Minutes or Less
Self-care. We all have heard about it, but as busy moms, how many of us actually practice it?
As I write this, I am currently sitting in my minivan, in the parking lot of a License Branch that closed hours ago. My oldest is at cheer practice, my two little’s are home with their father, and all I can think is, ” When was the last time I was out by myself?”
I am not getting asked if we can listen to the “school songs” that we have heard 500 million times, or being summoned because “B is touching me.” No one is arguing with me that they do not want to listen to the radio and that we need to watch a movie. I am sitting here, listening to what I want, appreciating the peace, and wondering if anyone has called the cops yet for the suspicious-looking car.
Alas, I digress, how many of you are in the same boat in having no idea when the last time was that you took a few minutes for yourself? When was the last time that you had 5 minutes of peace, let alone were able to pee by yourself?
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Turn your Self Care up a Notch
Here is what I have to tell you, momma, you need that time. You need the ability to take a few minutes out each day and live just for you. You need it, your kids need it, your loved ones need it. It makes you seem less batshit, and a bit more put together when you have had some time, plus, your mental health will thank you.
So just for you, check out these 20 ideas to save your sanity in under 30 minutes a day:
Take a Bubble Bath– You know, one with candles, wine, and no kids. While you are at it, add a bath bomb and really relax. You can do it!
Give yourself a Manicure– When was the last time those nails looked like something other than a hot mess? Want something professional looking without the price? Try these Kiss ImPRESS Press On Gel Nails, they are seriously awesome!
Start a New Book-Because lets get real, when is the last time you cracked a book that had a reading level above 3rd grade? Join Amazon Kindle Unlimited 30-Day Free Trial and read Kindle Books for FREE for a month!
Take a Walk-By yourself. No, the kids cannot go. No, you are not taking the stroller. You are taking you time.
Color– You know those fancy coloring books for adults? Get one, and try it! And w
hen you try it, you are not allowed to use the kids broken crayons in it. Use the special pack of mommy colored pencils that you bought just for you. It is totally worth it.
Have a Dance Party of One– Yep, turn that music up and dance your ass off momma. Put the kids to bed, turn on that 90’s rap, and shake your money maker.
Bake some Cookies– Or cook brownies, I don’t discriminate. Then, eat them in peace. Do not want to share? Then don’t! You eat all of those cookies if you want to, I won’t judge and we will just never speak of it again.
Start a Craft– You know, those ones you see all over Pinterest, but just never have the time to start? Who cares if you are on the next Pinterest Fail Meme, it will be fun while it lasts, right?

Enjoy your Coffee/Wine Alone– Yes, I said it. You are going to go sit by yourself and take a mommy time out. Drink your beverage without distractions and enjoy it!
Shower until the Hot Water Runs Out– So this could mean a different time frame depending on your water heater, but wait until that puppy is full, and then empty it by yourself. Trust me, washing those peas the baby threw in your hair out when there is still hot water will make you a happy mommy. Promise.
Work it Out until you Sweat– Yeah, I know. Sweat is yucky, and so is exercise. Seriously though, you will feel AWESOME afterward, and it is less than 30 minutes, so it’s not like it is going to kill you.
Call a Friend– You know, that one you have been promising to catch up with. Call them, and talk about life, kids, goals, the past, anything. Just talking to another adult can help your sanity.
Netflix and Chill– No, for real. Put on your favorite show (or find a new favorite) and relax for a few minutes. Bonus points if it isn’t animated. This time is for you momma, live a little.
Time for a Facial– Ok, so I do not expect you to run out and do one of those skin-tight charcoal facials (but if you do post a video taking it off!). But when was the last time you did a facial
? Jr. High sleepover anyone? Take a minute and treat yourself!
Online Shop for Yourself– You are always shopping for your kids, but when was the last time that you looked at anything for you? Coffee mugs, mom shirts, new shoes, make-up, go shop for it all! Plus, check out my post about how to get mom shirts for less than $20!
Do your Hair/Make-up– It doesn’t have to be date night for you to feel good about how you look. Go put your face on momma! Try a dramatic smokey eye or a popping new lip color. Your kids will notice, your hubby might flip, and you will feel hot and look it too!
Start a Journal- I know, it sounds corny, but writing can be so peaceful! Start a journal and start capturing those little day-to-day things that are special to your family. Even if you just write in it once a week, at the end of the year the memories will have piled up!
Start a Blog– Stick with me here. Even if you only have 30 minutes a day to devote to it, starting a blog will give you something tangible to spend your time on, and it honestly can be quite addicting. If you like it, you can always monetize it and start bringing in some extra cash for your family! You can get started today for less than $4/month with “>Bluehost.

Go for a Drive– You guessed it, by yourself. Take a road you have never been down. Put the windows down, crank up your favorite station, and just take it all in.
Pin your Inspirations– Everyone has Pinterest nowadays, so why not fill it with inspiration every now and then? Spend 20 minutes pinning your favorite inspirational quotes, motivational memes, and parenting humor, and see how your mood lightens! While you are on Pinterest, check out my profile and give me a follow.
Alright Momma, now I challenge you, every day for the next week, take a few minutes out of your day and do one of these self-care activities. Then, come back here and let me know how you did! I would love to hear if it is making a difference!
In the meantime, what are you doing to improve your mom life? Any go-to self-care exercises you have? Let me know below!
I love the idea of taking time for myself. But, um, who is going to watch the ToddlerMonster while I am out walking by myself LOL. I have to be more stealth. I zone out during an interesting stretch (for her) on our stroller walks. I drink my coffee in bed while she plays with toys I put on the bedside table the night before. I get in the bath WITH her. But only rarely so it’s novel enough that she will just let me relax in the tub and play with her ducks on my legs. When she falls asleep in the car, I sit in the parking lot and browse Pinterest for a while before carrying her in the house.
We mamas gotta find our time where we can. XOXO.
Great idea’s to work around her! I am not going to lie, I have totally let the kindle babysit my toddler for 10 minutes while I take a mommy moment and read. Sometimes you just need the time!
So many great ideas here. I definitely do the coffee alone. It helps relax me.
Drink all the coffee…seriously though, I have been known to hide in the bathroom in order to enjoy 2 sips of my coffee without company.
This is a great list !! I love taking a bubble bath. It’s my mommy time and I need it at least twice a week lol
Right? I am pretty sure that a glass of wine and a nice bubble bath are in my near future!
Great tips, thank you! And a lot, wow, great efford!
Thanks so much!
I am notorious for using some of these self care methods because usually when I experience burnout out it comes quick! But you’ve definitely given me some new ideas to try! thank you !
Glad I could provide some additional ideas! Thanks for reading!
I love this! I’m a social worker and was always told in school that social workers need a lot of self care which is true but now that I’m a mom I recognize that mom needs tons too!!!! It’s important
I was a social worker prior to having my third child. It is most definitely a field with a large need for self care!
This was such an awesome read!! Thanks for the tips!