Self-Improvement for Moms: Skills to Learn in Your Spare Time
Hey, Mama! Let’s talk about you for a minute. Yes, YOU! Amid the whirlwind of diaper changes, conference calls, and squeezing in that elusive “me-time,” have you ever stopped to think about your personal growth? Today, we’re diving into the empowering world of self-improvement for moms.
Because guess what?
You deserve to thrive, not just survive!
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Why Self-Improvement for Moms Matters
Let’s face it: the demands of motherhood are endless. You’re managing a household, building a career, and caring for those adorable (and sometimes exhausting) little humans. It seems the motherhood to-do list goes on and on…
But here’s the deal—investing in your personal development isn’t just good for you; it’s beneficial for your whole family. When you grow, everyone around you grows, too. And the benefits it has on your mental health? Oh, those are aplenty when you make it a personal goal to become the best version of yourself.
How, you ask?
Self-improvement for moms is about more than just squeezing in a yoga class or reading a self-help book (though those are great starts!). It’s about enhancing your life by learning new skills and creating new habits. Skills and habits that boost your confidence, increase your efficiency, and maybe even reignite passion in areas of your life that have been put on the back burner.
Sound like something you need in your life?
Of course, it does. We all freaking need it.
Here’s the kicker, mama: Even those most accomplished in the practice of self-improvement have room to grow. On the journey to becoming one’s best self, one is never fully “there.” And while it may sound intimidating, especially when you are first starting your journey, it is, in fact, quite the opposite.
I mean, how beautiful is it to know that with the right growth mindset, you can continue developing and flourishing throughout your personal growth journey for the rest of your life?
Pretty powerful, right?
And yet, with all this growth ahead, where do you start?
Well, how about we start with a powerful tool that will help you be both a better mom and a better person when it comes to prioritizing your goals?
Skill #1: Time Management Mastery
First up on our list of essential skills is effective time management.
I know, I know. You’re probably thinking, “If only I had more hours in the day!” But here’s a little secret: it’s not about having time; it’s about making time.
Start by prioritizing tasks with a simple tool like the Eisenhower Box. This helps you decide what’s urgent and essential and what can be delegated or skipped.
Don’t feel like looking up the Eisenhower Box? I don’t blame you. Let’s break down a quick life hack to reinsert some time back into your daily life.

Start by writing down your entire to-do list for the day. Now, look at that list and categorize it by “Must-Do,” “Should-Do,” and “Would Like To-Do.” What do you absolutely have to get through today? Can you set a time constraint to prioritize those items so you can get in, get out, and get on with your life?
Moving past those, how many of the “Should-Do” or “Would Like To-Do” items should take precedence over your quality time? Are any of these items things that you can throw off? Better yet, could any of these items be delegated to someone else?
Speaking of delegation…
Skill #2: The Art of Delegation
Whether it’s at home or on the job, learning to effectively delegate is a game-changer for busy moms. It’s about playing to your strengths and letting go of the notion that you must do it all yourself.
Start small: teach your kids to take on age-appropriate chores or divide household responsibilities with your partner. At work, trust your team to handle tasks that free you up to focus on higher-priority projects. If you have that perfectionist, control freak gene running strong through you as I used to, this one may be more of a struggle than those on the outside looking in might believe. In the end, though, trust me, it will be worth it.
So, where to start?
Remember that to-do list we referred to? Let’s revisit it for a moment.
How many items on that list are you holding onto out of mom guilt that you should be responsible for completing them? Are there tasks that could really be completed by someone else in your household or even hired out? Offloading these tasks is a great way to start mastering the art of delegation.
Sure, at first, your kids might fight taking on additional chores at home. Honestly, though, committing to the change and delegating those tasks will help them develop good habits and make you feel like a better parent.
Win-win? I think so.
Skill #3: Financial Literacy
Understanding the basics of budgeting, saving, and investing can transform your future. And don’t worry, you don’t need a finance degree to get started. Look for apps and resources that simplify these concepts, or check out community college courses on personal finance.
This skill helps you secure your family’s financial future and teaches your kids valuable lessons about money management. Want a cool pro tip to get them started with their own lesson in financial literacy? Download the Greenlight app and set each up with their own accounts. Then, as they do extra jobs at home or for family members, they can have money loaded straight onto their cards. This means that when you take them out, and they go to ask you for something, you can remind them they have their own money and go about your shopping.

Looking back to your self-improvement journey, though, a book I have found that can greatly help reshape your mindset around money is Jen Sincero’s “You Are a Badass at Making Money“. In this easy read, she will teach you to let go of your lack mindset around money and attract more of it into your life.
While you are on your financial literacy journey, why not empower yourself by trying to learn a few new things? Pick up a book on stocks and see what you can derive from it. Take an online course on crypto and discover that digital currency is your cup of tea. Self-improvement for moms doesn’t all have to be about how to organize the diaper bag and meal plan better and more efficiently. Learn to be a total badass at investing during the kids’ naptime and relish in your financial gains. (And then come back and teach me because lord knows I need help here!)
Skill #4: Facing Your Limiting Beliefs
Self-improvement for moms isn’t always about developing big, new things. Sometimes it’s about sitting down, getting really quiet, and identifying those beliefs standing between you and your goals.
You know, the ones that knock you down a few pegs when your soul lights ablaze with an idea, and your brain gets completely hyped? Then, all these random crappy thoughts come flooding in, water is tossed on your fire, and your eyes go dead again. Yep, this is the skill you hone in on when it’s time to identify those beliefs, whether they are self-imposed, have come from our family of origin, or have been gifted to us from society. We will then thank them for trying to protect us and replace them with new, badass beliefs that will feed that fire the next time it is lit.
Many self-help books discuss various ways to do this. For me, the easiest way was to sit down with my pen and paper, visualize my big goal, and then write down all of the reasons that came to mind that I could not achieve it. From there, I traced those reasons back to a single belief that had ingrained itself in me at some point. Once I identified that, it was pretty easy to rewrite my narrative and replace it with a much cooler belief.

The harder part is putting those new beliefs into practice. This is because you have to consistently remind the voice in your head that you are no longer living by that old, worn-out narrative and instead remind it of the new one. It sometimes feels like you are trying to learn a new language by doing this, but I promise you that it is one of the most necessary and rewarding steps of your transformative journey.
Skill #5: Slowing Down
In today’s tech-driven world, mastering the art of slowing down is more important than ever. This can be even more difficult if your home and work lives feel hectic 24/7. Finding time to slow down, though, is not only one of those great habits to get into; it is also essential to bettering your mental health.
As far as the self-improvement for moms list goes, rest is often overlooked. If you are going to start working on your personal goals, you are going to have to give up even more of your rest time to make it happen, right?
Actually, I would urge you to do quite the opposite and really dig into the skill of slowing down. Whether you start by making sure you are getting the right amount of hours of sleep (just because you can function on four does NOT mean it is what you need) or take the time to get into a good book for fifteen minutes a day to get back some you time, start somewhere and for the love of all things holy, do it today.
You will never become the best version of yourself if you are living in the hustle 24/7.
Don’t be afraid to start slow. Five minutes of quiet meditation in the morning is better than none. Spending a few minutes outside in the sunshine on break is better than no time at all. The small steps towards more rest will build to larger, more meaningful ones. So even if you only have a few extra minutes in your crazy home life to devote to more rest each day, it is a great start and will build as you make it a habit.
Skill #6: Badass Habit Creation
Chances are, if you landed on a post for self-improvement for moms, you have some habits that you need to work on. Be it that they need to change or that you need to create some new, badass ones. The skill of habit creation is an essential one to master on your personal growth journey.

Whether you are looking to create habits around your physical health, mental health, or even just your day-to-day activities, getting started is likely not as hard as you think. Your first step in badass habit creation? Identify those habits you want/need to change or the activities you want to form habits around. See where you can stack new habits to create a rippling effect of positivity in your life. Maybe you start with your morning routine and then build from there.
When it comes to implementing these new badass habits, do not be afraid to start small. If you have decided to start a habit of journaling every day, the best way to get started may be to commit to writing 2-3 sentences of reflection each morning. The best thing to do is get started, even if you do not have everything in place to enact your new habit to its full potential. Getting the ball rolling will get the momentum going in the right direction, and in the ongoing process of self-improvement, you will always have room to expand on your habits in the future.
Implementing What You Learn
Learning these skills is excellent, but implementation is where the magic happens. You cannot transform into a butterfly if you continue to live as if you are inside the cocoon. Instead, you have to spread your wings and start living life as if you were already the butterfly long before becoming her.
Try to apply at least one new thing each week. It could be a new time management technique, a budgeting tip, or living outside of a single limiting belief you have recently realized. Whatever you choose, embrace your newfound skill each week and embody it to the best of your ability. Do this and watch your self-improvement goals become your reality.
Encouraging Community and Sharing
As you embark on this journey of self-improvement, why not bring along some fellow mom friends? Share what you’re learning, exchange ideas, and support each other.
Seriously, couldn’t you see this becoming a productive girls’ night? Charcuterie, a kids’ movie marathon with snacks, cozy blankets, a few hours of quiet children, some wine, and badass empowerment story sharing. It sounds like a girl’s night in the making and a great way to gain some new ideas.

Plus, if you have friends on a personal growth journey, this can be a great way to develop accountability and make some big things happen!
Self-Improvement for Moms: A Few Final Words
Remember, lady, self-improvement is not selfish. It’s necessary. You are the backbone of your family, and investing in yourself is one of the best ways to ensure everyone around you thrives. So take that class, read that book, and learn that skill. Not just for them, but for you—because you are worth it!
Let’s chat in the comments below! What’s one skill you’re excited to learn or improve? How do you plan to integrate these new abilities into your daily routine?
Looking for more self-improvement material? Check out this post on my 10 favorite self-empowerment books for moms. Also, if this post inspired you, be sure to share it with your mom tribe!