Check out the April 2017 Blog Income Report of a brand new mommy blogger. (PS, it was my first full calendar month blogging.)

April 2017 Blogging Income Report

So I  survived my first whole, official calendar month blogging. Now for the question on everyone’s mind. What did my income look like? Well, while it was not much, there was some there, so here goes my first official blog income report for the month of April 2017. (Technically I started my blog at the…

How I Made Money Blogging in my First Month

How I Made Money Blogging in my First Month

My third child was born at the end of February. With her birth came the realization that I had no business going back to my job with three kids at home. This being said, I started endless research into work-from-home opportunities, so that I could help my husband to support the household by bringing in an income…

Having one of those days where you have done nothing but repeat yourself? I can relate! Click here to laugh at my struggles with my toddler boy. Isn't parenting fun?

12 Things I say to my Toddler in a Day (Sometimes in a Hour)

I love my toddler with all my heart. Really I do. He is smart, handsome, adventurous, kind. He is also busy. Like crazy busy. When I decided to become a stay at home mom, I never dreamt my toddler would keep me this busy. I dreamt of preschool activities. Reading books, doing flash cards, quiet learning…