Blogging Income report for the month of October 2017. How I made $181 in October by blogging.

October 2017 Blog Income Report

No lies, I am kind of sad that October is over. Alas, it brought some pretty big wins for TheCrazySAHM!

October 2017 brought about a change in the color of the leaves, a cold change in the weather. It also brought some changes here in my blogging world, including the publishing of my first paid post, and my first month of $100+ in income. Yep, I finally brought in a Benjamin!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Want to know how it happened? Let’s dive in!

October 2017 Income

Total: $181.74

 Holy cow! Looking back to September’s blog income, I feel like I made leaps and bounds this last month! My first two monetary-sponsored posts, 5 Things I Learned Supplementing as a Breastfeeding Mom, and 5 Tips to finding the Perfect Family Car were both published this month, and that really changed my income game.

I also feel like I managed to catch on to some of the content in the AdSense reports. (You know bloggers, all of those reports Google provides that we generally do not look at.) I changed up some of my promotions based on the stats in those reports, and it made a world of difference!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Now, here’s to hoping I can keep up that momentum in November.

Mom Blogger in her 7th Month of blogging shares how she made $181 during the month of October. #workathome #onlineincome #momblog #blogincome #blogger

October 2017 Traffic

So I feel like my traffic numbers have remained somewhat steady over the last couple of months. I have started changing some of the ways I promote my posts, and I have been reading up on increasing my traffic. This hopefully will mean higher numbers for November, but in the meantime, here is what I saw in October 2017.

Visitors: 1557

Views: 2050, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Comments: 16

While my traffic did not make any kind of substantial increases, it also did not decline. I am ecstatic about this because honestly, my traffic could be a lot worse. I did complete some of the challenge that I talked about in my last income report, however I was unable to participate as much as I would have liked. My family took a vacation in October, and also hosted some family from out of town for a couple of days, which left me spending more time with loved ones.

Also, I mentioned diving back into Tailwind in my last report. Tailwind has been helping quite a bit to drive my Pinterest followers up! I managed to gain 71 followers on Pinterest last month, which is unheard of for my account. I cannot wait to see what else Tailwind can do for my blog as I continue to learn more about it!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

As a stay at home mom, I made $181 working online from home on my blog. Find out how I did it here.

 October 2017 New Posts

During October 2017, I actually managed to post more than I have been! I had 7 total posts last month, a whole 3 posts more than I had in September. Check out what I was writing about:

September Blog Income Report– I am so excited to look back to last months report and compare it to this one! It really helps me to see my progress and to show my readers how much a blog can grow in just a month.

Perfect Gifts for your Baby under One Year of Age This is the first of my gift guides for the season. Be sure to keep a lookout for more throughout November!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

How to Plan a Date Night for Mom, Even if she isn’t Asking for One- Moms, we all need a date night. This post is directed at providing your significant other’s with a plan to make it happen! You can thank me later.

5 things I wish I had known during my First Month BloggingIf I could go back, I would tell my newbie blogger self these things. Alas, I cannot time travel, so hopefully other blogging newbies will benefit from this post!

5 Things I Learned About Supplementing as a Breastfeeding MomMost exclusively breastfeeding moms are afraid of the word “supplement”. I admit, I was too, but I learned quite a bit of supplementing, and these lessons made the process easier.

Boys; Why I am talking about them with my 9-year-old By far my favorite post of the month, namely because it talks about my oldest and the things we are learning together. If someone told you parenting a preteen would be fun, they lied. But since they lied, here is a post to help you through the “boys” talk., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

5 Tips to Finding the Perfect Family Car – Cut the Stress out of Car Shopping– Looking to purchase a new family vehicle soon? This post contains tips to help take the stress out of shopping. Plus, Cars.Com has an awesome tool in this post that rates the safety of different types of car seats in new vehicles. Pretty cool right?

October 2017 Social Media Following

I am probably way more excited about my social media following than I should be. Honestly though, building my following is the fun part of blogging someday. This is namely because I see results much, much sooner, but I digress.

For those interested, here is how my following grew last month:, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Facebook –  195 244
Instagram –  2403  2602
Twitter – 7,681  8729
555 626

My following is really starting to become something, which amazes me. Some people may be asking why a social media following is important. Here is what I have to tell you.

First, social media is how I promote my blog, so this is how I get the majority of my viewers to my site. Without followers to read, like, and share my posts, I would be nowhere. Second, my social media following is very important to prospective brands who are looking to sponsor posts for my blog. These brands want to see that enough people have an interest in what I am doing to be worth their time and money investing in me to promote their brand.

Yeah, it is big stuff., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Kind of makes my head spin realizing I have come this far.

Until Next Month

I have several personal goals for my blog over the next month that I have written down in my handy dandy notebook. I will not bore you with all of them, but I will give you a couple of the big ones:

Create More Post Pins– One of the strategies I have read about to increase my Pinterest traffic, is to have at least two different pinnable images for each post. I hope to create new pins for the majority of my old posts this month and start circulating them. This should drive my Pinterest traffic up over time.

Join More Influencer Networks– The best way to get sponsored posts, is to be able to find them. This is done mainly through Influencer Networks like Linqia. My goal for November is to find and join at least 10 networks within my niche. This should increase my opportunities of sponsored posts.

Crazy 8 Sale On Now!

Well guys, that’s a wrap for October 2017. (Yeah, I am not over the corny Halloween puns yet.) I cannot wait to report back next month, but in the meantime, do you have any blogging questions or problems I may be able to help with? Does anything on this report surprise you? Let me know in the comments below!

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