To the Tired, Worn Down Mama-You are so much More
Hey Mama,
Yeah, you. Over there.
The mom who is exhausted, yet didn’t seem to really accomplish doing anything more than keeping the kids alive today.
I see you.
I see you feeling guilty over the fact that the floors still need to be mopped, and the laundry is piling up. Guilty about the fact that you fed your family freezer food for the 3rd night this week.
Even more guilty because your husband is exhausted, the bills are piling up, and you feel like you need to be doing more.
Yep, I know you.
I know you because I am you.
I too have those days when it seems the first item on my to-do list never gets done.

Those days when the kids just kept yelling at each other, fighting constantly.
They ask for a snack 700 times even though they just ate breakfast and still have a pack of fruit snacks in their hand.
And yet, you cover your head with a pillow and try to pretend mommy is sleeping, even if just for a minute of false silence.
I feel you.
Feel that list you made this morning that is approximately 6 pages long and includes chores you know you will not be getting help with.
See that self-care plan that you made a promise to yourself to follow, yet you simply laugh over now.
Wine is easier anyhow.
You organize and prioritize. Budget the bills and expenses. Even though you know at the end of the day there has got to be some other way.
Plan, call, schedule, and double-check everyone’s activities, taking no time out for your own.
Organize, minimize, sort, and scrub. Then cry into your mop of water because your sweet babies just wore their muddy boots across your floor.
No worries, it was only going to last a few minutes more.
You go to bed well after the clock strikes 12, yet rise as the rooster crows.
Sleep? Yeah, that is for the weak.
You survive off of coffee and wine, often making jokes.

But is it really still funny that this is now your existence?
Do not fret, I am right there with you.
And yet, it is time Mama.
Time to see everything that you are accomplishing, even when you feel like it is, in fact, all for naught.
Take a step back.
Observe those tiny humans who are screaming at each other in the next room.
Really listen.
They are only yelling because they feel safe enough to express that opinion of distaste.
When they come up to you for the 20th time in an hour to get another snack?
They are doing so because they know you care enough to ensure their needs are met.
Those bills that are piled in the corner are not yet paid?
Yeah, that collector is calling again. But did they see the look on your baby’s face when they opened that last book you were able to buy them? How about the excitement in their eyes as you read it to your child, curled in close anticipating the next line of the story.
That chore list that goes on for days that you know you will be doing yourself?
Are you not showing your children what hard work is? And just watch as they follow after you, trying to help, trying to be like you.
You did that mama.
All of those activities you run your child to?
Does it not amaze you that your work status enables them to be able to have those experiences? Make those friends? Learn those talents?
That goal they scored was just for you Mom.
The lack of sleep?
Yeah, I am feeling it. But you know what else I felt? That tiny little soul drifts back off to sleep after just one more story.
And a drink.
A kiss.
And another hug.
Yet, that little baby is only going to be this little once. While the monsters that haunt his dreams leave you tired, they are nothing compared to what he will face.

Take it in stride Mommy.
No, your coffee and wine probably is not the healthiest thing in the world.
But that Starbucks run was pretty tasty. And your sweet red is reliably awaiting your return home.
Mama, you may not always feel on top of it, but you have got this.
Perfection is not expected, but the effort. The effort speaks volumes.
So take a breath. We both know you need it.
Stop being so hard on yourself and seize the moment. Your days only have to be as unproductive as you let them be.
In the meantime, cherish your babies, live passionately, and remember.
You are unstoppable. You are fierce. You are loved.
You are a mom.
Featured on MovingBabies
Absolutely love this x
I stand by the saying that parenting is the hardest but very best job in the world, we should all be kinder to ourselves x
Thanks Natalie! And I totally agree…sometimes, as moms, it is so hard to take a moment to stand back and look at all of the good we are doing, instead of all the things we did not get done.
Thanks for dropping by!
Thanks Chelsea I needed to read this today! Glad I found your blog, haven’t seen you in forever!
Glad that it helped! We all have those days lady, keep your head up! Maybe we can do coffee soon?
Yes sounds good!! 🙂