6 Keto Starter Staples you NEED for Success on your Keto Diet
At the beginning of this year, I made it a major goal of mine to get serious about my weight loss. While I am not usually one to diet, I had read so many great things about the keto diet that I decided to give it a whirl myself. Through the first couple of weeks, however, I figured out that in order to be successful. There are certain keto beginner staples that I needed to have on hand.
While it is possible to start without these keto beginner staples, I found that my weight loss strategy was much more effective when I added these staples into my routine.
Keto Testing Strips
This is one of those keto beginner staples that you can totally do without. For me, however, it made all the difference.
These strips are something that you can use to see if you are in ketosis or not. (Plus, they are super easy to use!) You simply pee on the stick (you know, like you did to find out you were pregnant with that cute little baby that made you gain all the weight?), then wait for the results. Then, simply compare the color of your stick to the little chart provided. Then, you can see how successful your keto diet has been in getting you into ketosis!
While the results from the strips are not guaranteed, I have had great results with them. For the price, they provide reassurance that I am doing something right if nothing else! These strips are the ones I use and you can get them off Amazon and have them sent straight to your house!

Organic Coconut Oil
As far as keto beginner staples go, this is something that you can probably not do without. As the keto diet is based around the consumption of healthy fats, you want to ensure that you have good, organic coconut oil on hand.
In my house, I use coconut oil in everything from fat bombs ( I love these) , to my keto coffee. When I am really not hitting my fat consumption, I have been known to eat a tablespoon of coconut oil straight, though this is not something I regularly practice.
Many people will tell you to look for an extra virgin organic coconut oil in order to get the best quality, though I have used this one and my results have been fine.
Kerrygold Butter
Another fat that makes it onto my list of keto beginner staples is Kerrygold butter.
In so many of the things you read online about consuming butter on the keto diet, you will find that there is one thing they all have in common. The butter you consume is supposed to be organic, grass-fed butter.
While I do use regular butter in my day-to-day cooking on keto, I do make sure that the butter that I put into my coffee is Kerrygold. (Something about drinking butter makes me feel better when I know it is organic and grass-fed.)
You can totally order Kerrygold off of Amazon, though I have found the cheapest store to get it from is Walmart.
If you do not enjoy eggs, the keto diet may be one for you to skip.
Eggs are seriously almost the perfect keto food and make an essential keto beginner staple! I have honestly found myself going through about two dozen eggs a week between my new lifestyle and my family’s eating habits!
Plus, as eggs are so versatile, you can spice them up in so many ways to make a cheap and unique meal any time during the week!
Seriously though, eggs have a great amount of healthy fat and protein in them, which will make them fit perfectly into your diet plan. Make sure that you stock up, especially in the beginning when you are first learning keto recipes. You will thank yourself for it!
Keto Beginner Staples Multivitamin
So this is one that many people do not think about, and speaking from experience, a multivitamin is a keto staple that you want to have.
As you transition into the keto diet, you move away from not only the carbs in pasta and bread. You also leave behind the natural sugars found in many of the fruits you consume.
Your lack of fruit (and some vegetable) consumption, can lead to a deficiency in many of the vitamins and minerals that your body needs. Thus, a multivitamin is essential to maintaining a good level of health during this diet.

***Word to the wise, be mindful of the multivitamin that you choose. While everyone loves a good gummi vitamin,(Yes, I know I am an adult. But damn it, gummies are good!) many of them are loaded with sugars and hidden carbs. This is not a great thing when you are trying to watch your consumption of both of these things. Thus, be mindful to look for a multivitamin like this one that does not have the sugar and carbs that you do not need.***
Something to Keep You Regular
Now, I am going to talk about something crappy.
My last big keto staple is one that addresses a major issue that many of the moms who start the keto diet run into. Alas, it is biology, so let’s just get to it.
As you cut the carbs from your diet, you often lose the bulk of your fiber consumption with it. This can make for a major slowdown in your digestive system, which can lead to some major discomfort.
Luckily, there are some really simple remedies out there that will keep you from being miserable. The first of which is a simple detox tea. ( I have used this one, which has an awesome mint chocolate taste without the sugar!) Simply have a cup of the evening if you are having issues, and the next day, all should be better.
The other option to consider would be a daily probiotic. I have read about many women using a probiotic to counter some of the keto issues, though I only recently tried one myself. Guess what? They totally work!
Well mama’s, there you have it! The list of my keto beginner staples to get you a running start on your keto journey.
Still having reservations? Check out my post about how Keto makes the PERFECT mom diet here. Questions? Let me know below and I will do my best to help!

Great advice for new Keto users 🙂 and great job on joining the keto fam and sticking with it!
Thanks Kristin! It is so addictive. I feel and look better than I have in years😝