I’m Not Creating a “New Me” in the New Year, and here’s why

New Year, New Me.

We have all seen the posts. Chances are, if you scroll your Facebook, several of your friends already have theirs up.

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For all I know, maybe you are the person who already has it up.

If you do, more power to you. 2019 for me, however, will be going a bit different.

You see, while I have some things I plan to work on, recreating myself is no longer something I am interested in.

I am a mother, wife, mom boss, and somewhat friendly person most days. Becoming the person I am today was not a small feat.

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2018 has brought happiness and tears. Pride and disappointment. Lessons and so many opportunities for growth. It has also brought with it a greater understanding of myself as a whole. With this in mind, I found myself pondering my resolutions for the new year and came to the conclusion that I do not need to become a “New” person, but rather a better version of my current self.

How do I plan to do that you ask?

Be More Present

As a millennial (yep, I said it) I have grown up in an age of technology that has become a blessing and a curse. Scrolling back through my phone, I have found so many great pictures from adventures over the past year.

Also, I have found the many, many apps I have used as a distraction from the present.

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Social Media, games, and my businesses have all become crutches I have hidden behind more than I care to admit over the last year. Therefore, in the new year, I will be more conscious of my distractions, and be more involved in the moment than recording memory.

The constant pictures are nice, but I want my kids to remember me not having a phone in front of my face as well.

mom and two young children sitting together

 Let Myself Let Go

Another realization I have made in 2018 is that I am a control freak.

From the way the towels are folded, to the way certain aspects of my businesses are ran, I struggle with allowing others in to help with area’s of my life that I REALLY need to let go of.

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Therefore, in the new year, I plan to allow myself to delegate more and let myself enjoy more of my surroundings. My amazing family, beautiful home, and engaging businesses will all be things I enjoy again, rather than look at as a chore.

mom and preteen in front of a set of metal stairs

This freedom will allow my business to grow, my house to become happier, and my family to grow closer.

Be Accountable

On the flip side, I plan to put my accountability into the spotlight. So often I tell myself I am going to achieve something today, and I fall short. Sometimes it is a load of laundry, sometimes it is a new post.

Regardless of what it is, in 2019 if it is something important enough to be making the list, then I intend to set out to make it happen. 2018 showed me that I can achieve GREAT things when my mind is put to it, thus I plan to see the rewards of 2019 pile up as I see my own accountability through.

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Anyone can decide to make a change. Successful people make the decision, then ride that choice on into the sunset upon a horse of determination.

close up picture of smiling woman

I plan to be successful this year.

Make Myself a Priority

Self care is one of those things you see being preached about everywhere you look.

Heck, there is a new hashtag on Twitter I noticed a few weeks ago devoted to it. (#SelfCareSunday in case you wanna go exploring.)

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I have even found myself writing posts on ways to up your self care game in as little of time as possible per day. Yet at the end of the day, I still find myself falling short.

Therefore, in 2019 is becoming the year about me. (In my book anyway.) I will devote time each day to meditation on a quest to tap into the source energy that surrounds me and use it to achieve my goals. I will make exercise a common occurrence in my household, instead of a random source of entertainment for my children. Lastly, I will remove the fear that freshly baked pan of brownies has of being devoured within minutes of being pulled out of the oven before my kids even know they are done.


(And in 2019, I will practice using it.)

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Give Back

In 2018, I made a big change in my life in the way I give back in my community.

You see, before this year, I often found myself making excuses for why I was not doing more to give back.

“I just don’t have time to volunteer.”, or “We are pretty short this week, maybe next week.”, were phrases I often used to explain why I passed up the opportunity to help out my community when I had the chance.

In 2018 however, I dove in head first and committed myself to an organization I am crazy passionate about. I also found ways through my business to give back in several areas. And at the end of the day, guess what?

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I didn’t go broke or miss any major life events.

mom taking a selfie with a girl toddler on her hip

Therefore, in 2019 I will to expand upon my efforts, and plan to include my children wherever possible.

Accomplishing these goals in 2019 will bring me closer to being the person I want to be, and will hopefully grow my life in the positive ways I envision as well.

As for 2018, I would like to thank you all for following along my journey. I cannot wait to catch up with you all on Facebook, Instagram and Twitter in 2019!

Have you set any goals or resolutions to build upon your person this year? Let me know in the comments below, and see you in the new year!

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  1. I love the idea of not reinventing yourself but being the best version of you! That’s a brilliant plan and good luck!

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