5 Ways to Find Stay at Home Motivation Everyday

Being a stay-at-home mom is not an easy task. With so many pressures that moms have thrust upon them, at times, it is completely overwhelming.

Since we stay home all day, it is only natural for all day-to-day household tasks to fall on us. Add on the kids ongoing list of activities, grocery shopping, meal planning, doctor’s appointments, and the like, and we are set up for a whirlwind of failure if we cannot keep motivated.

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So how exactly do you keep a stay-at-home mom motivation going?

a woman standing at a kitchen with a toddler on a chair working on hand washing

Start the Morning with a Routine

And stick to it. EVERY. SINGLE. MORNING.

Maybe you sit down and have a cup of coffee while you read the day’s headlines. Or maybe you start your day with a shower while belting out your favorite songs. Whatever it is, nail down a routine and stick to it!

Your days may be unpredictable with kids running every which way. Your mornings, however, will always start the same. You would be surprised at how motivating this can be!

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Make a REASONABLE To-Do List

A to-do list to keep a stay-at-home mom motivation up? I know what you are thinking but hear me out.

Few things can be more motivating than realizing at the end of the day that you accomplished your to-do list. Therefore, making a list of 4-5 things that you are confident you will accomplish by the day’s end is highly suggested.

Keep it simple, but useful. Write it using one of your pretty pens that you have hidden from the kids. Cross those items off your list as you complete them like the badass mama you are.

a woman reading a book to a young child in her lap

Schedule Time for You Everyday

I know, I know. Your day is jam packed full of crazy and it is too hectic to take a minute to yourself.

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I. Don’t. Care.

Make a few minutes for yourself. Just because you do not have time to take an hour’s power walk through the neighborhood or practice your daily sun salutation every morning does not mean you do not have time for you. Listen to an audiobook on the way to get your kiddo from school. Read a chapter, a page, heck, read a paragraph of the book you have been meaning to read. Take the kids outside and let them run wild while you soak up ten minutes of sunshine.

It doesn’t matter what you do, just do something that is completely for you.

Reflect Upon your Day Positively

When you are looking for stay-at-home mom motivation, you learn to take it where you can get it. No matter what time of day you are finding it.

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Therefore, it is important to take the time to find motivation at the end of your day by taking a reflection of everything that went right.

Get that entire to-do list done? Amazing! Manage more than one load of laundry? Hats off to you mama! The tiny humans survive the day with no blood spill? You are AWESOME!

Reveal in your wins no matter where they are.

woman sitting in an oversized chair with an infant

Don’t Try to Do it All

You may be a super momma, but no matter what, you are never going to keep motivated if you try to do it all.

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Just because you are a stay-at-home mom does not mean you have to take on the whole house alone. Delegate some of your day-to-day tasks out.

It is not going to kill the kids to do the dishes. You may be surprised at your husband’s willingness to help out if he is asked. You can check out my list of 10 chores I handed off to my own kids here.

Crazy Mom Talk

Stay-at-home mom motivation does not have to be hard, but once you find a way to make it work for you, you must stay consistent. Sometimes the days will blend, sometimes they will fly by, and some days, they will flat-out suck. But hopefully, with these tips, you will be able to find a little extra motivation to make your day.

At any rate, mama, hang in there. You are doing amazing and I believe in you!

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Have any additional motivational tips you want to share with your fellow mama’s out there? Let me know!

Struggling to find motivation as a stay at home mom? We have all been there mama! Check out these fail proof tips to find stay at home mom motivation and keep your days productive! Stay at home mom. Motivation for stay at home moms. mom motivation. Motivation for moms. #momlife #stayathomemom #mommotivation

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