Foods to Boost your Milk Supply while Aiding in Weight Loss
Trying to lose that baby weight, but cannot risk losing your milk supply? Confused about what foods to eat to help with both?
If you have read the first post in my weight loss while breastfeeding series, you know that I, myself, have struggled in this area. Over the last couple of weeks, however, I have found that diet is a very important part of being able to lose weight while nursing. While you are supposed to be getting an extra 500 calories per day, using these calories to consume that second Twinkie is not nearly as effective in weight loss as eating a baked sweet potato.
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So what have I found out by looking closely at my diet? Many of the foods that I started eating for their value to my weight loss are also valuable contributors to boosting and maintaining my milk supply! Crazy, eh? Plus, the majority of these foods my toddler and preteen will also eat without whining too much. Win, win!
So ladies, here they are for your viewing and consuming pleasure, the top foods that I found that not only increase milk supply but also aid in weight loss.
Cue the super annoying avocado commercials from Subway, right?
Seriously though, avocado is one of those superfoods that is absolutely amazing for weight loss. Not only is it full of healthy fats and super filling, avocados also metabolize fat cells to help you burn fat faster! When I started consuming avocados regularly, guess what else I found out? The fat in my breast milk also increased drastically! That is when I started doing some research and found that avocados made the list of foods to help with increasing your milk supply.
Guacamole anyone?
So for all of my breastfeeding momma’s out there, you hear this one all the time. Oatmeal is the money maker when it comes to breast milk supply.
Guess what though? When you are eating your morning bowl of oatmeal for the 12th day in a row, you are also filling your body with soluble fiber first thing in the morning. This fills you up to keep you full longer, and keep you out of the snack bowl.
Steel cut and traditional oatmeal is better for both weight loss and milk supply than the instant stuff, but we all know you are busy and the instant happens. Just do not be trying to pull one over on yourself and count oatmeal cream pies towards this healthy eating thing. That shit is not going to fly, but good try.

Sweet Potatoes
Oh yes, sweet potatoes. Totally good for weight loss and breastfeeding moms. Sweet potatoes are full of (betcha can guess this one) fiber, plus, they are also chalked full of vitamins. Also, sweet potatoes are a great source of magnesium, which is awesome for relaxation and anti-stress.
Who needs to relax? Nursing moms.
Now, something to keep in mind. While sweet potatoes are good for you, we are not talking about the kinds that are covered in marshmallows, brown sugar, and butter. Need some good recipe ideas for healthy sweet potato dishes for your journey? Check out these recipes that I love!
Baked Eggs and Spinach in Sweet Potato Boats
Ground Turkey Sweet Potato Skillet
Seriously, eggs are one of the easiest foods to make, and they are also making my list of foods great for weight loss and milk supply!
Eggs are full of protein (6 whole grams in one egg) and it is full of healthy fats as well. When foods are good for healthy fats, guess what else they are good for? Your milk supply! Four weeks of eating eggs on a regular basis, and I was noticing huge differences in both my weight and my milk supply!
Also, eggs are so easily incorporated into different meals all throughout your day, so why not add more to your diet?
For those of you (like me) who do not know how this is pronounced, “keen-wah”.
Ok, now that we are past that, Quinoa is seriously about to be your new best friend. This magical seed is full of protein and minerals. The protein helps to keep you full and provides you the energy you need to get through the day since we both know you haven’t had any sleep in the last three weeks. The protein is also amazing for your milk supply, which is a win-win!
As for the minerals? Well we all know we are buying our kids the cereal that has the added minerals because it sounds better for them.Why not be eating something that is good for you too?
Quinoa is also great at boosting your metabolism and makes you feel fuller longer. No wonder this is so great for weight loss.
Ok, so this last one is not really a food. Alas, I digress.
Water, water, water. If your eyeballs are not yet floating, you are not drinking enough for your weight loss or your breast milk supply.
So maybe your eyeballs do not really have to be floating, but you really do need to be drinking a lot of water in order to make the best of both your weight loss and your breastfeeding journey. To be getting enough water for effective weight loss, you are supposed to be drinking at least 64 ounces a day. For breastfeeding moms, they recommend adding an extra quart onto that, so now you are up to 96 ounces per day.
My recommendation to you? Get yourself a good cup and get drinking! I personally favor these Contigo thermoses because they literally will stay cold all day.
Well ladies, that is what I have for you! Honestly, I have incorporated these foods into my diet several times a week and I have seen great improvements. Since my last post, I am officially down 4 1/2 lbs and I plan on keeping it off! Have you found any foods that are benefiting both your weight loss and milk supply? Let me know in the comments!