Discover the Enchantment: Finding Magic in Everyday Life
A couple of years ago, had you talked to me about finding the magic in everyday life, I would likely have looked at you with a glint of hope in my eye and a thought of hokey woo, woo in my head that I quickly dismissed.
You see, as of a few years ago, I thought that the people who found the magic in everyday life were only those who could afford to do so.
You know when I could afford to find the magic in everyday life?
If there wasn’t a young child who was interrupting my magic moment by screaming “Mooooommmmmyyyyyyy” for the fifteenth time just to tell me that they had an unidentified brown substance on their finger that had come from something they picked up. A substance that was no longer there, because they had wiped it on my pants after I didn’t answer the first two times they tried to call me out of my daze. The daze I had entered while attempting to escape to a magical place where I had went on vacation and all of the responsibilities of home had not followed me there.
Real. Freaking. Magical.

The Awakening: Realizing the Need for Change
Over the past year, I have dug deeper and deeper into the world of personal growth. You know what I have found? Finding the magic in everyday life is not just something I can afford. Taking the time to find that magic is something I really can’t afford not to do.
You see, without the magic, without the excitement, what do we as moms, have?
And yet, in most cases, we only even begin to humor the concept of allowing ourselves to begin finding the magic in everyday life when we are living outside of our everyday routine and on vacation. We may begin to glimpse the magic, in between special vacation anxieties and crises that arise that tend to fall on our shoulders. Then, it is back to our day to day in the mundane.
No wonder we are all so excited about working motherhood all the time. There has to be some kind of deeper connection to joy and gratitude in our lives, right?
Starting the Slowdown
Did you know that in the world today, the average person takes in more information in one 24 hour time period than someone 100 years ago took in during their entire lifetime? With all of the stimulus going on in the world around us, it is no freaking wonder we don’t think we can afford to take the time to slow down.
Yet, when we take just a few minutes of each day to stop and appreciate what is going on around us, magic can unfold.
This happened for me as I started to find myself becoming more present in my surroundings. In those moments when I could stop the chatter in my brain, put down my phone (and laptop, and tablet, and any other noisy electronic that can make annoying sounds and or vibrate at me). Those moments when I could really just immerse myself into my surroundings and allow myself the pleasure of experiencing them to their fullest.
You start to see notice these moments fleetingly in your daily routine if you really pay attention. You can find them in the closeness when you are brushing your little ones hair before bed. During those rare occasions when your kids are engaged in conversation instead of war in the car. Or in those rare moments of silence in the bathroom BEFORE the little fingers come creeping under the door or you hear “Mooooommmmmyyy” being called through the space in the frame.

This is where you start to see the magic seep in.
My Own Moment of Transformation: Forsyth Park Realization
The first time I realized just how much I had not been paying attention to the magic surrounding me though? That was walking through Forsyth Park recently while on a retreat in Savannah, Georgia.
Feeling the sun on my skin. Listening to the bird’s song in the sky. Watching the Spanish moss swaying in the gentle breeze from its home where it lay across the branches of the ancient Southern Oaks. Hearing the busy chatter of dozens of conversations being held at once by people of all walks of life, all so entranced in their own issues of the day.
I was able to feel the static in the buzzing energy of everything around me. It was nothing short of blissfully magical.
And in that magic, I found peace.
I found peace, I found zen, and I found delight in everything that I was experiencing the likes of which you read in fairy tales. Yet, I was able to find all of this in our own modern day, busy society.
And I all I had to do the entire time I had been waiting to be able to afford that experience, was take the time to slow down, and feel it.
Embracing the Magical Life
Fast forward to today, and I will tell you that I am finding the magic in everyday life each and every day.
Do my friends think I am crazy by some of the everyday magic things I am now in awe over?
(Just the other day, I was literally engaged in conversation over how grateful I was to be able to be stuck in traffic, as opposed to having to make the same trek by horse or on foot as someone would have had to over a hundred years ago. I mean, seriously, how freaking cool is it that we can now make a trip in just a few hours that used to take someone an entire day, if not longer to make?)
What I have noticed though, is that the more intentional I am about finding the magic in the little things, the more that the big magic keeps showing up in my life.
Since I have gotten serious about noticing the magical moments in my day to day, I have found that more and more really freaking big moments keep showing up.

I have found this, for instance, in some of the amazing people who have wondered into my daily life since the beginning of this practice. Over the last few months alone I have had the opportunity to:
- Have a private session AND a group session with a highly sought after Intuitive
- Speak with a Celtic Seer to gain more insight into my career calling
- Participate in a Somatic Yoga Session
- Engage in Hypnotherapy
- Attend a Curated High Tea
- Engage in a private session with a Human Design Coach
And guys, this is just the list off the top of my head.
Aside from the people and events that have come into my life, I have also noticed an overwhelming sense of serenity. Even in the moments that used to completely overwhelm me, I now can find peace so much easier as I navigate through the solution. It isn’t always a cake walk, but it is certainly a different space I am operating from today then where I was even a year ago.
When I tell you this stuff works, I mean it.
So how do you make it work for you?
Finding The Magic in Everyday Life: The Practice
When you decide to find the magic in everyday life, you are going to realize pretty quickly that some of this practice is going to take you out of your comfort zone. This is especially going to be true if you have been hell bent on the belief that up until this point, you were someone who could not afford the luxury of experiencing magic in your day to day life.
And guess what? That is completely ok.
Because when you are first starting out, I am not going to ask for you to do make any grand gestures in the way you start to bring this new magic into your life.
Instead, the best way to start to get intentional about bringing magic into your day to day, is to start to fully allow yourself to experience the world around you. You are going to do this with both new things, and old.
Start off by letting yourself be fully present in experiencing the sunrise or sunset. Take a few minutes out of your day to sit outside and really immerse yourself in everything occurring in nature. Feel the sun on your skin and the wind in your hair.
Stuck in traffic on your way home? Rather than allowing the frustration to take over, take on a different perspective. Take a moment to notice all of the things going right, instead of what is going wrong for you. You are in a vehicle that is, at least somewhat, reliable. That can get you from point A to point B, and that is allowing you to advance yourself in life.
These may feel like simple things, but the real magic in our daily life, is allowing ourselves choose to find bliss in moments that just as easily could be moments of frustration. Pretty freaking awesome concept, right?

Magic Moments Everywhere
As you start to become more aware of the magic in your everyday life, and you start to pick up on the little moments, you are going to start to see something much larger take shape.
The more you acknowledge the good things happening for you on a daily basis, the more these moments will pop-up everywhere! You are going to start to notice magic in all kinds if different things.
Maybe it will be that you hit 10 green lights in a row when you are running late for work. Perhaps you get to the checkout to find that there is exactly one of your favorite candy bars left. Maybe you run into your best friend who you had just been thinking the night before about how much you missed when you are picking up your morning coffee. Little coincidences will start to fall in like in the most magical way all across your daily routines.
When you hold gratitude for all of the beautiful things in your life, you will notice the big things line up as well. Maybe it is a book deal. Or a trip you always wanted to go on. Or you somehow manage to meet your celebrity crush. The sky is literally the limit when it comes to how these things can line up in your own life. Furthermore, the way you experience them is only limited by your own ability to believe that they can be yours.
Celebrate the Magic in Normal Life
Did all of your meetings manage to line up just perfectly so that you didn’t have to run to any of them? Did a couple of them end early so that you even had time for a bathroom break AND a cup of coffee to keep your caffeine levels up all throughout the day?
Celebrate it!
Did you have a chance meeting with the uppity woman you never talk to from the gym and find out she is the ultimate hype girl who is now you new bestie? Better yet, did you then find out that she too enjoys a donut reward after spin glass?
Plan a party!
On a regular basis we miss so many opportunities to celebrate the discovery of magic in our daily lives. And yet, if we celebrated more, we could be welcoming even more magic in.
Normalize the celebration and gratitude, and normalize having more of those moments where you find the magic in everyday life.
New Possibilities & New Hobbies
You now know that to find the magic in everyday life, you simply need to look. Be this in your personal life, in the business world, at the doctor, or in line at the freaking coffee shop. When you take on this new point of view that you can find the magic anywhere, you are bound to find new possibilities everywhere.

The more you practice gratitude and celebrate those moments, the more abundance you will continue to experience.
So now what do you do with this information?
For me, it has become a new hobby to share the magical experience.
Who am I sharing it with you ask? Anyone who will freaking listen.
I am talking to the people in line at the grocery store. My coworkers have been graced by the presence of the word “magic” being added into my daily vocabulary. My friends, even those who I do not speak with on a daily basis, are hearing more and more of the magic occurring in my life through social media, random texts, or even over dinner.
Because I want everyone to realize that this is something that is accessible to them as well!
Sure, I have been met with my fair share of doubters. I have heard those tell me that the things I am saying sound crazy. I have also hear that these kind of beliefs are not seeded in science or blah, blah, blah, blah, blah….
Guess what? I no longer resonate with small opinions those people.
Finding the Magic in Everyday Life
Sure, I am sad that their lives are not filled with as much magic as mine is. At the same time, I can only help someone to the point in which they want to be helped. Sometimes, that point is not out of whatever reality they are existing in, and into the one where fun and magic and pure joyful bliss in the fact that life is awesome and you get to be you.
To each their own.
At the end of the day, I will continue finding the magic in everyday life. I will also help anyone else who wants to find the mindset to be able to do the same.
Looking for some additional hype? Check out this post on embracing your truest self!