Why You Need to Be Fed at Cedar Points Night of the Living Fed
As a working mom, there is one task that fills me with dread daily. Dinner.
Figuring out what’s for dinner. Deciding if I have everything I need to make dinner. Finding out nobody likes what I am making that day. Yeah, it all fills me with so much excitement.

This is true even more so when I am on vacation. Honestly, it is probably about ten times worse because when I am away from home, I am supposed to be having fun and relaxing and making everyone’s plans mesh, meeting the needs of everyone in my crew, and trying to keep everyone together I realize I also have to ensure my whole group gets fed. Sounds pretty relaxing, right?
All of this being said, can you guess who was super psyched to find out that Cedar Point already had dinner covered during my most recent trip without me even having to think about it?
This girl is right here.
Yeah, you read that right. With Cedar Point’s premiere dinner event Night of the Living Fed, my food problems were gone. Poof.
You guys, it literally made my night. So now for those of you in the back who are debating whether or not to buy the tickets and head over for yourself, here are my top four reasons you have got to check it out.
The Food Quality for the Price is Unbeatable
For those of you scoffing at that $29.99 per adult price tag, here’s a quick consideration for you.
Regardless of where you eat in the park, you are looking at a price tag of at least $15/plate plus a drink. Sometimes, to add excitement, these “plates” are actually cardboard trays and are holding a simple burger and fries.

For $29.99 with Night of the Living Fed, you are getting carefully crafted buffet dishes, none of which are served in a cardboard tray. Think salmon, honey-crusted chicken, rib roast, spare ribs, honey-glazed carrots and brussel sprouts, corn spoonbread, and a build-your-own pasta bar. (Seriously, this was only part of the selection!) All of this delicious food is all you can eat and I can promise you, you will not be leaving hungry.

By the way, this menu was curated by a team of culinary ARTISTS. Oh yeah, not only will you not be stressing over what’s for dinner, but your dinner at Night of the Living Fed is about to be fancy.
Mom points.
The Decor is Spot-on
Looking for a conversation starter with the family over dinner? The decor featured at Night of the Living Fed is going to give you plenty to talk about!

If you have seen Cedar Point at Halloween time, you already know this park pulls out all the stops to make the experience one you are not going to forget. They bring pumpkins, cornstalks, birds, bats, bones…the works.

The décor experience at this tantalizing buffet was no different. From crows to cow heads, graveyards to ghouls, they have it all.
You will Stay for the Entertainment
If you have never been to a character dining experience, this is one you are not going to want to miss. For those of you who have experienced character dining, Night of the Living Fed is going to rank right up their with some of your favorites if you enjoy all things spooky.

Ghouls, clowns, and even the Shadow Man himself make guest appearances throughout your meal as your live entertainment interacts with your dinner experience. Even the serving staff are in on the fun! From quick jump scares, to full-on guest interactions, these screamers are amazing at not breaking character and making the most of your dining experience.
Honestly, guys, I am not one for indoor haunted houses and I absolutely LOVED this dinner due to my ability to interact with the spooky without feeling so trapped in the attraction.
Not only that, but the sense of humor of these malevolent beings was amazing, and the experience was personalized for each table.
Seriously cool in my opinion.
Plus, the Halloween costumes on these guys are seriously to die for!

Good Food to Your Table in Better Timing
After experiencing in-park dining our first night in the park (which was also yummy, just without all the thrills), we quickly found that the busier the night gets, the longer you are going to be spending on indoor dining.
With Night of the Living Fed, we reserved our dinner time ahead of arriving to eat, stood in line for about 5 minutes waiting for the doors to open, then were through the buffet line and to our table in about 10 minutes flat.
Plus, with two seating times available, we were able to pick the time best suited to our schedule! It was so freaking convenient when we were trying to coordinate show times, ride times, bathroom breaks and get a meal in.

Zero time was spent waiting for a free table. We spent no time waiting for the kitchen to prepare our food and even as dishes ran out, they were replenished so quickly there was really difference in the time spent in the buffet line.
From start to finish, we managed to have dinner done within an hour and were back out in the park in plenty of time to enjoy the frights of the night, including some killer outdoor fright zones.

Night of the Living Fed is one experience that I promise you my crew will not be skipping on future Halloweekend trips.
Ok guys, if you are ready to go book your Night of the Living Fed Dining experience, I am going to make this one even easier. You can head straight over to the Cedar Point website to get your tickets. Even better, buying online is going to save you $5 per adult ticket. (That means you have more in your Starbucks budget for the next morning…win!)

With Cedar Point’s premiere dinner event Night of the Living Fed, all of that anxiety and dread disappeared and left me free to actually enjoy my evening. The food quality, decor, entertainment and timing were seriously so well done.
Kudos to Cedar Point on another job well done, and I hope you enjoy your own Night of the Living Fed dining experience! Once you wrap up dinner, be sure to head to the infamous Jack Aldrich Theatre for a showing of the amazing Midnight Syndicate.