Encouraging your Preteen to Read: 5 Ways to Make it Happen

Preteen’s are a beast in and of themselves. Trying to convince them that ANYTHING, even something like encouraging your preteen to read, is a good idea generally seems like an uphill battle. Now that school is back in session, however, we are asked to have our children read for at least 30 minutes a night…

Have they met these kids?

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Sure. I used to be able to get my 10-year-old daughter to sit down for about 30 minutes a week and read a book. No problem. But every night? Yeah, that was something to laugh about.

Guess what though?

I found that by implementing a few simple strategies, I not only lost my need to fight with my daughter to read but gained a preteen with a love of books.

So what are these crazy amazing reading hacks to get started encouraging your preteen to read?

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**Disclaimer:I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links**

the tops of books all pressed together spins together

Find What They Love

Being that we are working with preteens here, this can take a bit of work. I promise however that if you put in the extra work, it will totally pay off.

Really digging in and finding that genre that your kiddo enjoys, then supplying them with the books to fill their heart’s desire can spur a love of reading like none other. Prior to finding Addi’s reading niche, we struggled.

Blood, sweat, and tears struggled.
Then we landed into the world of fact-based fiction and Addi found her love of reading.

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While here first love started with the I Survived Series, we recently received a complimentary copy of Explorer Academy: The Nebula Secret and I think we have a new favorite. Addi loves to dive into books that have engaging, yet reality based story lines, and Explorer Academy: The Nebula Secret is just that. She was lost for hours in this book, and cannot wait to get the next one in the series.

We also found early on that she has a love for Encyclopedias, so the National Geographic Kids Almanac 2019 was right up her alley. Filled with facts on everything from animals to Vikings, the National Geographic Kids Almanac is the most popular kids almanac in the world, and for good reason. Addi has sat up for hours at a time reading this thing, and Brendan loves to have it read to him as well.

My preteen reading a series she loves that also teaches her something. Sign me up! I mean, could encouraging your preteen to read get any easier?

Create a Reading Space

Creating a reading space in your home that your reader will use is a great way to start encouraging your preteen to read. 

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Maybe it is a cozy bean bag in their room, next to a lamp that provides the perfect lighting. Perhaps a couch near the windows with a couple of comfy throw pillows is more their speed. My favorite however, is encouraging my kids to find a space to read outside, creating a more unique atmosphere to add to their story.

Wherever it is that your preteen finds to read, be sure that they know they have a space dedicated to them. It will amaze you how much of a difference it can make in their reading habit when they know they have a designated place just for such activities.

four books laying open, stacked on top of each other pages up

Keep Books Accessible

Walking around my house, one thing you will find freaking everywhere are books. There are books on tables, in the playroom, in bedrooms, bathrooms, and hall tables. Shoot, go out to my van and I bet you will find at least 3 books in there.

Do you know why?

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Because if books are accessible to kids, kids will pick them up. Guess what mama’s? The same goes for your preteens!

Put the reading material out there and they are bound to get curious. Even if it is just to read 2-3 pages to see what it is about….that is 2-3 pages of something, right?

Reading Time Before Screen Time

Yep mama’s, I said it.

I set the stipulation on my kids that they need to complete their reading time before they get their screen time.

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Mean mom status right here.

Sometimes it is cause for an argument. And sometimes my preteen doesn’t like me for it. But it set a precedence for my kiddos that there is an expectation in my house that reading will be a priority.

And guess what?

Once that precedence is set, it becomes a routine. And in my house, once it became a routine, it became habit and was no longer a chore. Thus, encouraging my preteen to read becomes a lot more simple. 

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Cool, eh?

7 books lined up side by side page sides out

Make it Fun

My last big tip for encouraging your preteen to read is to make it fun mama!

This one is a biggie, and is super easy, yet is also often overlooked.

So how do you make reading fun for your preteen?

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  • Make it a contest.
  • Set goals with prizes.
  • Create a big display of books read.
  • Celebrate finished books.

Seriously, mama, this step can be as simple, , or as complex as you want it to be. Just remember, even though your overall goal is to build a habit of reading with your preteen, you still want to ensure it is a time of enjoyment, not one of dread. Framing the act of reading in a fun and positive way will help you to do just that!

Crazy Mom Talk

Alright mama, time to get real. There is still a step on this list that we have not talked about yet, and that step is you.

Do you want your preteens to want to read? Make sure that they see you reading for enjoyment too!

I mean, when was the last time that you put down Facebook long enough to get your nose in a book? It is called self care woman, get on it!

If you are looking for a great place to start with your reading, I suggest digging into the National Geographic books I mentioned earlier. One, they are going to fill your head with information, and two, it will give you and your preteen something to talk about once they have finished them.

Bonding time anyone?

How do you get your preteen to read at home? Any additional tips to the ones listed here? Let me know in the comments below, and be sure to give this post a share for all of your mom friends out there!

To celebrate the launch of Explorer Academy, one lucky family will experience a spectacular ship-based expedition, just like the students at Explorer Academy. The grand prize is a family trip for four to Alaska’s Inside Passage from National Geographic Expeditions. Enter the sweepstakes at exploreracademytrip.com.

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