Conner Prairie: A Living History Museum of Discovery and Wonder
So you have heard of this Conner Prairie place, (or you haven’t, but no worries, you will soon!) but your not sure if it is right for your crowd.
I mean, history is cool and all, but is this something your kiddos will enjoy? Can you realistically spend the whole day here? Better yet, is this living history museum something that you will enjoy, along with your family?
My short answer, absolutely!
***Disclosure- As stated, my family received tickets for FREE entry to Conner Prairie, as well as complimentary rides on their 1859 Balloon Voyage, and a sweet swag bag. This was in exchange for a post reflecting my honest opinion of the park.***
Recently, my family was offered tickets to Conner Prairie in exchange for a blog post reflecting my honest opinions on the location. Therefore, the kids and I loaded up and went to see what this living history museum was all about! I was worried at first that the location would not hold the attention of all of my kids. Boy was I wrong!
Not only was there something for all of my kids, we were able to easily spend the day here! A day filled with learning and playing? I will take it!
Following out trip, I rounded up some of the highlights of the location. You know, the things that always make you nervous about taking the kids to a new place? These highlights have been crafted into this post, and will hopefully, leave you better prepared for your own upcoming trip.
So what is it that you need to know? Check it out!
History Comes to Life
For those who have never been to any kind of a living history museum, you are in for a treat. Once you set foot into Prairietown, one of the multiple attractions on site, you enter the year 1836, and guys, it is real.
Imagine the confusion on my kiddo’s faces when they realized there was really no TV, no computers, and definitely, no Google.
Every person that my children came into contact with in Prairietown performed with miraculous accuracy to bring the 1800’s to present day. My children were able to ask questions about life in the 1800’s and were met with realistic answers that came from a real person, rather than the internet.
That my friends, is powerful to the learning young mind.
Moving throughout the rest of the location, my kids also encountered townspeople from a war effected town, as well as a tomahawk throwing Lenape Indian! I mean, you do not get to see history like this anywhere else that I have been. It is truly fascinating to hear the history of the area, straight from the mouths of those who experienced it. (Or at least that is the way my kids experienced it!)
Activities to Engage your Child in History

Not only were my kids able to engage with characters from the 1800’s, but Conner Prairie also presented the opportunity for them to get in on the action!
From pulling sheep’s wool and weaving to becoming a healer in Prairietown, my children quickly found themselves lost in history. While my oldest (who was 9 at the time) seemed to appreciate this more so than my younger two, there are plenty of historical activities that my 4-year-old loved as well.
Aside from the hands-on activities, several historical demonstrations were also available for us to partake in. From pottery and school work, to Civil War presentations that will immerse you in the experience, this place really has hands on learning nailed. For a living history museum, this place blew my kids away.
Extra Activities for All Ages
While Conner Prairie is a living history museum, your children do not have to be old enough to understand history to have a great time here! Over the years, the area has expanded and now includes a little something for everyone.
5 & Under
For the smallest members of your party, Discovery Station offers children ages 8 and under the perfect place to learn and explore. With a specific station just for curious infants, alongside an indoor treehouse and several make-believe areas, my crew could have spent hours in this location alone.
In the 1863 Civil War Journey, littles will also find a splash pad just waiting for their curious minds. With several ways to play in this area, babies, toddlers and preschoolers alike will enjoy a chance to cool down!
5 & Older
Looking for something to really “wow” your kids? New to Conner Prairie is their Treehouse Outpost, a 4-story learning and discovering center for your kids. While the treehouse is technically for all ages, we found that for our group, 5 & up were less likely to get lost in this busy area. With reading nooks, microscopic things to discover, sound pipes and so much more, my kids would have stayed here all day if I would have let them.
Not only this, but there were multiple discovery area’s outside of the treehouse for kids to explore. From a playground like fort, to digging sites, this area was beyond well done and somewhere we are very likely to return to play.
Indoor Activities
Looking for something to do with the kiddos, but feel like it is too wet/cold to play outside? Check out the Create.Connect indoor discovery area at Conner Prairie! This interactive learning area brings STEM learning into history lessons by engaging your child in the learning process.
Your kids can learn to fly a plane, build their invention, and even build a miniature working windmill! All of this is done inside an area where your kids have the ability to explore without being right at your side. This makes it so much simpler for those of us mama’s who have younger kiddo’s who take longer to master a skill than their older sibling. I told you this living history museum brings your kiddo back into history, didn’t I?
Lunch Options
Walking into any new place with kids, one of the most important things to know about are your food options. Connor Prairie has some great flexibility in these options, which makes it easy no matter your budget.
If you are one of those moms who are productive and pack your kiddos lunches/snacks for day trips, you are in luck! Connor Prairie offers picnic area’s perfect for your use to sit and enjoy lunch with your kiddos.
If you are less prepared (as I often am) never fear! Connor Prairie also offers a small café on site. This café serves a variety of entrée’s including sandwiches, pizza, wraps and salads. Prices are very reasonable, and they have a kid’s menu available.
Stroller Friendly
Pulling into the Conner Prairie parking lot, I was beyond excited to see several mom’s unloading jogging strollers. Being a busy mom of three, stroller accessibility is a life saver.
While the paths of this living history museum are not all paved (you are going back in history after all) the vast majority of the location is stroller-friendly. Be prepared, however, to park your stroller outside of individual attractions due to space constraints/ lack of stroller access. Many of the older houses and buildings on the property are accessible by stairs only.
Some Activities Cost Extra
An important factor for all moms on a budget, be aware that some activities at Conner Prairie will cost you more than your ticket price. Don’t get me wrong, these activities are well worth it! But it is much easier to be prepared for these things, so here goes.
Balloon Ride
Ever been on a hot air balloon? Check out the 1859 Balloon Voyage, where you can step onto a tethered balloon that will take you 370 feet into the air! Guys, this is really a one of a kind experience, and was unlike anything I have ever done. Even Addi, who is terrified of heights was stunned by the views this balloon ride provided.
In my book, the extra ticket for this amazing ride is so very worth it. Seriously, when else are you going to get to go on a hot air balloon ride with your babies?
Crafts Throughout
Throughout the day, we came into contact with a couple of different crafting stations that cost extra to participate. Addi’s favorite was in the Indian Village where you could stamp silver, which you get to take home with you. The crafts we encountered were all affordably priced, but it will not make or break your trip if your kiddos do not get to participate.
If you are the total crafty type, however, be sure to stop by the Craft Corner to see what project they are working on during your visit!
General Store
Once you arrive into the 1863 Civil War Journey area, you are welcomed by a town turned battlefield, including a General Store. Inside this store, you will find cold drinks, ice cream novelties, rock candies, and more. This is a great little shop to visit, but if your kiddos have a spending problem (like mine do…) it may be best to wait until you have seen the rest of this area before visiting.
Notes from a Real Mom
Ok mama’s, now I am going to get real with you. Some living history museum-type places that you take your children are a one-and-done experience. This could have been said of Conner Prairie when I was a child. Today however? There is just too much cool stuff going on here.
If you are a local, a membership to their location is something for your to SERIOUSLY consider. The play areas on site alone are worth it. They are that good. Key that in with the fact that your children retain more of the historical information provided to them with every visit that they make, and a membership is a win, win.
Don’t live super close and think you can get away with one visit? WRONG! Throughout the year you will find that several super cool events are hosted on site. Live bands, picnics, concerts, they do it all. Closer to Halloween, they even have a special presentation with the Headless Horseman! Speaking of special events, Where are my wine mom’s at? Conner Prairie has even started doing “Sunset Flights” where you can take a hot air balloon ride at sunset and drink, you guessed it, wine.
To the mom’s of children with autism, Conner Prairie has your back. I noted several area’s throughout the property that were marked as quiet, safe spaces for your kiddo. I even took a peak inside one of these area’s to get a better idea. The one I looked in on was actually an employee lounge, but there was a table set aside with a container of toys for your child. This gives your kiddo something to play with and defuse should the need arise. To be honest, I have heard about these area’s, but have never seen one until now. This is a super helpful feature to the property in my opinion.
Mama, strap on your Fitbit because you are not going to want to miss out on these steps. The property is laid out EXTREMELY well, and area’s seem to flow into one another. However, there is still a lot of walking involved. No worries though, there are plenty of places to take a break as well.
Worried your kid is going to have a meltdown in the middle of a presentation? DON’T! The staff here are absolutely amazing, and most all attractions are set up with a quick form of exit. If your kid starts a full fledged meltdown in the middle of a school lesson from the 1800’s, you are totally able to just step out. No dirty looks from the staff, no having to exit through 50 bulky exit doors drawing more attention to yourself. Nope, this place was made for educating kids. (And it totally works with you in the event they do not want to be educated.)
Now that you have the lowdown on Conner Prairie, what are you waiting for?
Seriously mama, get your trip to the best living history museum in the Midwest on your schedule and make that trip! Already been to Conner Prairie? Let me know what you loved about your visit below!
Looking for some great other attractions in Indiana? Check out my posts on Fair Oaks Farms, Marengo Caves, Indiana Caverns, or Squire Boone Caverns for some great family fun!