Changes for a Better Mom Life
So, I feel like it has been a while since I had a “down-to-earth” post for you all. So many changes have happened in my life recently, which makes me think that one is past due. This being said, get ready, because here I go.
This year has been one of many changes and realizations for myself and my family already. These changes are going to shape a lot of my upcoming blog posts, so I felt it was only fair to share them with you. Some changes are fun, others are adults, but all of them are realities of my world. (Whether I really want to admit them or not.)
Hopefully, you can relate to one, if not more of the topics. I will be further elaborating on them over the next several months in an effort to help others who have struggled with some of the same things that I have struggled with.
If you do not relate to any of these changes, however, you can always just stick around for the humor. (We all know I cannot be completely serious about anything, so there’s that.)
Now, onto my list….
The Diet/Lifestyle Change of the Year
Yes. I was one of those people who made the New Year’s Resolution to start a diet. It was one of my biggest changes, but so totally worth it!
Guess what though, I actually stuck with it and, as of today, I am 6 weeks in! (Yeah, how many of you other resolutionists made it that far?)
How did I do it? The Keto diet!
For those of you who have not heard of going Keto, stay tuned. I am going to be sharing my tips, tricks, favorite recipes, and more! For those who have heard of it, just wait until you hear my 6-week results. I am seriously stoked about how well this lifestyle change has gone over. I cannot wait to share my journey with you all!

More Time for Self-Care
I know we all talk about self-care. Heck, I even did a post on it last year that you can find here.
The problem is, how many of us actually practice what we preach?
I found that this was one of the areas that I was majorly lacking in last year, and this year, I made a change.
Reading, baking, DIYing, going out. These have all come to be on my self-care list, and I am so excited to share my suggestions and recipes that I am finding solace in. And honestly, this is one of the easier changes I have made, so it is so much fun to share!
It has really been a great month and a half implementing my newfound “Me-time”!
Digging Back into My Mom Hustle
For those who know me, you know that I do not do well without having 500 things going on once. Guess what, I am back at it again.
My mommy blog, my direct sales, my crafting.Yep, I kind of do it all.
And I want to share my tips, tricks, and products with you over the next couple of months so that maybe you can capitalize on them too!
Also, my blog will be undergoing some major changes in the next couple of months. Edits, a full blow post schedule, and freebies are coming soon, so be on the lookout as I transition my blog from hobby to business!

Screen Time has been Drastically Cut
As a mom, I have been known to use screen time in my house as a quiet time more often than I would like to admit. Within the past few weeks, however, screen time has been depleted. (Talk about a scary change.)
While my kids are having a hard time adjusting to the lack of TV, video gaming, and tablet time, I am amazed at the amount of playing they are actually doing. (A lot of it is occurring around a mass of whining, but I digress.) Imagination is a powerful thing folks, and if we are not forcing our kids to use theirs by removing the screens, they will never learn how awesome it is!
Over the next several months, I hope to share with you some of the toys my kids are really loving, books they are getting lost in, and games/crafts that are making their lack of screen time enjoyable.
I know it is a rough transition to make, but trust me, it is worth it! (Now if it will only warm back up I can ship them outside!)
Getting Off of the Financial Struggle Bus
Yep, I said it.
It sucks.
Since it sucks so bad, I have decided to get out of it.
I have already shared with you all how to create a debt payoff plan and the 11 Apps I am using to make extra money to pay off my debt. Over the next couple of months, however, I also plan to share with you other bits of knowledge that I uncover as I continue this debt relief journey.
(I told you that some of these topics were going to be adult-ish.)
Also, I plan to share with you some tips and ideas that my family has used to change our day-to-day frugality. We want to be able to afford to go on fun vacations (Disney anyone?) and yet make creditors stop calling all at the same time. So, we are finding ways to make it happen, and I want to share those ways with you.

Phew, that was a lot.
Ok, so maybe not as long-winded as my previous posts, but I still managed to put it all out there. The last month and a half has really been an eye-opener for myself and my family. With that being said, it has also already brought about a lot of lessons for the New Year.
What new developments has 2018 brought your family? Do any big changes happen for you? What new topic are you most excited to read about on the blog in the next couple of months? Let me know below, because, as always, I love hearing from all of you!
Great changes to make! I bet it’s made a huge difference in your life!
Loved it
Wow! You have a lot going on and you seem to enjoy every bit of it. Wishing you all the success in reducing debt and being your own boss.
So true! Hope you achieve these goals