CBD Oil: What I learned from use as a Busy, Stay at Home Mom
CBD Oil is finally legalized, but what does that mean for you as a mom?
You have heard about people taking it for all kinds of reasons. Stress, weight loss, pain. But does it work? How do you use it? And since it comes from the same plant as marijuana, this has to mean you are about to relive That 70’s Show, right?
***Disclaimer- I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links.***
Recently, I was given the opportunty to review PlusCBD Oil products in collaboration with MomsMeet.com. During this time I not only used CBD oil products, but I also conducted a lot of my own research regarding CBD. While I am no expert in the area, I did learn some valuable information that I hope will help to educate moms everywhere on this wonderful resource!
It does not, I repeat DOES NOT, get you high
One of the common misperceptions of CBD oil is that since it is derived from the marijuana plant, it MUST get you high. I mean, that is why it is so popular now that it is legal, right?
Cannabidiol (CBD) is a phytocannabinoid that is non-psychotoxic. What does this mean to you? It means that CBD does not produce the euphoric feelings that people get from smoking marijuana. Instead, CBD oil is beneficial to nearly every biological process in both humans and animals.
On the same page, CBD oil is also non-addictive. (Though you will want to take it every day once you see how great your body feels!)

It is amazing for your body on several levels
Upon receiving my CBD oil samples, the research began. What is CBD oil good for? What can it help with? Is it good for moms?
What I found was amazing, and slightly unbelievable. CBD oil can literally be healing in just about every biological system in your body! How is this? CBD interacts with our innate internal system called the Endocannabinoid System (ECS). This is something that was just discovered in 1992, yet has already made strides in helping to educate us further on the vast positive effects that CBD can have on your body!
It was found at this time, that the ECS is known to modulate and influence a variety of physiological systems, including appetite, pain, inflammation, thermoregulation, intraocular pressure, sensation, muscle control, energy balance, metabolism, sleep health, stress responses, motivation/reward, mood, and memory. Due to the fact that CBD interacts with the ECS, CBD is able to have a positive effect on all of these different areas of the body.
As for being good for moms, I am here to tell you, anything that helps with energy, sleep, stress, and motivation is right up my alley!
Since I started CBD oil, I have noticed changes in all four of these areas. My energy levels have had me up and accomplishing my to-do lists and beyond. I am going to sleep sooner, and sleeping much more soundly. My stress, while it should be escalating with my first-year 4-H member having fair rapidly approaching, is lower than it has been in a long while. Any my motivation? Well let’s just say my laundry is actually caught up.
I know, right?
It is all-natural, and great for the environment
While I am not one of those “all-natural, all-the-time” moms (kudos to those of you who are!), I do feel great when I am able to use products for myself and my family that do not contain a ton of additives and things I cannot pronounce. Therefore, knowing that CBD oil is plant-derived and all-natural totally toots my “I’m not adding crap to my body for once” horn.
Not only that, but the hemp plant that CBD oil is derived from has over 25,000 (you read that right) documented uses! From food to fuel, hemp has a ton of uses for people all over the world.
Also, hemp plants leave the soil where it is planted in better shape than it was before it was planted. This adds nutrients back into the soil for other plants to grow.

It is available for use in several different forms
When you hear the term CBD oil, it is pretty well assumed that the product you will receive will be an oil, right?
Boy, is that wrong.
Upon receiving my samples from Plus CBD oil, I was introduced to 5 different ways that CBD oil can be used. Capsules (my favorite), gel caps, balms, flavored sprays, and oil drops. I mean, there is seriously something for everyone.
Due to my crazy busy mom’s life, the capsules quickly became a personal favorite. The gel capsules are a great way to get high-intensity oil support in your diet, and they are easy to swallow. The peppermint spray was actually really refreshing! (Once you move past the fact that you are spraying oil in your mouth.) I loved using this spray as a “pick me up” throughout the day to adjust my dosage! The oil drops were super simple to add to my favorite drinks, and the flavor was easily blended. And the balm? It was out of this world easy to apply!
The perfect dose is different for everyone
While all CBD oil products that you can purchase come with recommended dosages, each person’s dosage may differ.
For instance, I found out quickly that handling the “mom stress” of my crazy kiddos often begins with one CBD capsule in the morning. By late afternoon, a quick spray of the peppermint oil spray is just the pick me up that my body needs to finish chasing kiddos around the house.
While this seems to be a great balance for me, what may work for you will be different. It is recommended to start small and work your way into CBD oil products to decide what works best for you.
CBD oil may not be for all moms. Hopefully, however, this gives you some additional information to help you decide if it is something you should try!
If you are looking to try CBD for the first time, I highly recommend PlusCBD Oil products. Not only are their products great, but a quick visit to pluscbdoil.com can provide you with the answers to almost all of your CBD-related questions. Plus, when you shop at pluscbdoil.com and use the code “momsmeet17” you will get 15% off of your online order!
Have you used CBD oil products? Let me know your thoughts below!

Why haven’t I heard of this yet!?! I’m in awww like what legalized…I’m gonna check this out bc I have 4 wild boys and some days my stress is off the roof cray-cray! I would love to try for free lol 😆 is that possible. Thanks for the great review and info love it!