Avoiding Working Mom Burnout Syndrome: Essential Tips
In the busy arena of today’s workplace, working moms stand as figures of resilience, juggling the increasing demands of family with the ongoing needs of a profession. However, with such strength and determination comes the increasing threat of Occupational Burnout Syndrome (OBS), a silent villain that threatens to dim the spirit of these wonder women, working mom burnout is real.
For the working mother, understanding and combating OBS is not just about preserving her professional mentality—it’s about nurturing her own well-being. This guide seeks to shed light on the major issue of mom burnout, offering strategies and insights to empower every working mom to navigate her career path with renewed determination, all while sidestepping the pitfalls of burnout. Finding that work-life balance is totally achievable, even for a mom with a crazy busy schedule, who has stress levels that are through the roof. So, where do you start?
What is Burnout Syndrome?
According to bangkokhospital.com, workplace burnout is defined as; “a state of emotional, mental and physical exhaustion caused by excessive and prolonged stress.”
Sound familiar?
Of course, it does, because as mothers in the workplace, we are often taking our incessant need to do it all and implementing this same persistent drive in the workplace. We are creating unrealistic expectations for ourselves that add weight to our mental load and create a vicious cycle in which we never feel that our to-do list will be fully complete. No wonder we have burnout experience both in the workplace and at home. But how do we as purveyors of the ability to juggle it all, avoid this burnout?
Understanding the Root Causes of Occupational Burnout Syndrome
Being a working mother today poses uniquely formidable challenges. With advances in modern technology, we have our phones on 24/7, giving us next to zero ability to unplug from the responsibilities of home or work life fully. When your kids are texting you all hours of the work day asking you to pick up their online homecoming order, they just placed at Party City, and work is emailing you on the weekend asking if you can complete that urgent termination the client just requested, your maternal and professional roles never really have a scheduled “down time”. This leaves us living in a state of chronic stress, harboring an unprecedented level of mom guilt.
On top of the eternal conflict of juggling career responsibilities versus those of motherhood comes the societal expectations of both roles. Being a working mom, you are expected to excel in your career, climbing the corporate ladder and shattering the glass ceilings that limited our own mothers, paving the way to equality in the workplace for our daughters. All of this is expected to be done while subsequently not missing a single field trip, practice, game, presentation or school dress-up day (of which there is an increasingly absurd number, might I add). Add in maintaining adequate child care, handling all of the household chores, completing work responsibilities, and trying to get enough sleep…it is no wonder we are constantly finding ourselves at a breaking point!

And yet, at the end of the day, society wants to question why we are increasingly run-down, seeking therapy and medication at astronomical rates compared to generations prior, and we have learned to resent motherhood as a whole. (Yep, I dropped that truth bomb; we do not all love being a mother every day, and guess what? That is ok!)
So, what do we do to combat these root causes? We start by recognizing the symptoms of Occupational Burnout Syndrome as a working mom.
Symptoms of Occupational Burnout in Working Moms
Let’s have a real chat. Balancing our roles as dedicated professionals and nurturing moms can sometimes feel like we’re scaling Everest daily. And in this journey, burnout isn’t just a fancy word—it’s a real, tangible challenge that can sneak up on us. Recognizing it early can make all the difference, so let’s break down the sneaky signs of burnout:
Physical Signs: Ever felt that constant lack of energy, no matter how much coffee (or wine) you consume? Or those nagging headaches that just won’t fade? And let’s not even talk about those nights when sleep seems more elusive than a toddler during bath time. Yep, these are often our body’s SOS signals, screaming fatigue and sleep disturbances.

Emotional Red Flags: Now, onto the feels. You know those days when the passion for your job feels like it’s taken an extended vacation? Or that unusual spike in irritability that has you snapping at the tiniest things? And that sense of detachment, like you’re watching your life from the sidelines? Moms, these aren’t just ‘bad days’—they’re emotional symptoms of burnout.
Behavioral Tells: Let’s dive into the actions (or inactions). Finding yourself pulling back from tasks you once led with gusto? Or that mounting pile of tasks because procrastination has become your new best friend? And the clincher: that dip in efficiency, even when you’re giving it your all. These behavioral shifts aren’t just laziness or ‘mom brain’ moments—they’re clear warning bells.
So there we have it, the not-so-subtle hints our mind and body drop when occupational burnout is looming. Remember, mamas, recognizing the signs is half the battle. Let’s promise to not just brush them under the carpet but to actively seek balance and self-care. Because if anyone deserves a break, it’s us!
Strategies to Prevent Working Mom Burnout
Alright, mamas, while we’ve broken down the signals our bodies and minds throw at us when we’re dancing on the edge of burnout, the real magic lies in proactive steps. So, let’s dive into some tried-and-true strategies to keep OBS at bay.
Time Management: First and foremost, let’s chat about our dear frenemy: time.
- Prioritizing tasks: Listen, every email, every call, every task—they’re not all created equal. Know the difference between what’s screaming ‘urgent’ and what truly is ‘important’. Trust me, it’s game-changing.
- The power of saying “no”: And oh, this is a biggie. As much as our supermom capes make us feel invincible, sometimes it’s empowering to set boundaries and simply say, “not today.” Using this power does not make us bad at our job, or bad at motherhood. It makes us GOOD at boundaries, and we all know we are not enforcing enough of those.
Self-care Routines: This isn’t just spa days and bubble baths (though, sign me up for those!).
- Importance of regular breaks: Just a five-minute stretch or a quick outdoor breather during work can reset our spirits.
- The therapeutic power of hobbies: Remember those? Whether it’s painting, reading, or a midnight dance party, let’s reclaim them and start spending time doing the things we once loved. Do not stress this one, it doesn’t have to be big, just get started with something you enjoy!
- Sleep: And then sleep some more. I can’t stress this enough. It’s not just about beauty rest; it’s our mental recharge. So, those Netflix binges? Maybe save them for the weekend.
Building a Support System: We’re not islands ladies, and it’s more than okay to lean sometimes.
- Leveraging the role of family and friends: These folks love us and are there to help. When they are telling you to shoot them a text if you need anything, they are being authentic. LET THEM IN! Family members and friends alike can be invaluable in the journey to rid yourself of burnout.
- The advantage of mom support groups and networks: There’s something comforting about sharing with someone who gets it. Find your tribe, whether online or offline and share your struggles, your triumphs and the in between. You might be shocked to find out just how much your tribe can relate. Whether it is a local support group, some close friends who share experiences, or an online community who shares some of the same work burnout experiences, identify your people and start having the conversations.
Mindfulness and Stress: Our minds are powerful. Period. Harnessing mindfulness techniques can be our secret weapon against stress. Whether it’s meditation, deep-breathing exercises, or just grounding ourselves in the moment, these tools can anchor us even on the stormiest days. And remember, what you think, you put into your existence. So stop letting that voice in your head continue with the negative self-talk. You are a freaking super-woman. Own it!
So, here’s our toolbox, working moms. Life will throw its curveballs, but with these strategies in hand, we’re not just surviving—we’re thriving. Cheers to us!

Workplace Adjustments
Navigating the workplace post-kiddos can sometimes feel like threading a needle in a windstorm. But, guess what? With a few savvy tweaks, we can make that corporate maze just a tad more mom-friendly and help to avoid the monster that is occupational burnout syndrome. Let’s break it down:
Discussing Flexibility with Employers:
- Remote work options: In this digital age, is there anything more golden than handling that report while still in your jammies? And if our jobs permit, why not discuss the possibility of working remotely, even if it’s just a couple of days a week? If it is a plausible option, great! If not, it can always open the door to discuss my next suggestion…
- Flexible hours: Morning school runs, soccer practices, and dentist appointments—our mom calendar is jam-packed. Maybe it’s time to chat with the boss about adjusting our hours a smidge. Think: coming in early to leave early or vice versa. Sometimes that little bit of flexibility in your schedule can make all the difference in you pulling out all of your hair before 9:30am, and still resembling yourself instead of a mom-ster once the end of the day rolls around. Bonus points if this flexible schedule gives you enough free time for a short walk or other kind of physical activity to be added into your day.
The Role of HR:
- Trust me, it’s not just about hiring and firing. A progressive HR department can be our best ally in championing a workspace that understands our dual role. Let’s foster that dialogue, ensuring our workplaces aren’t just efficient but empathetic too. If you are having a problem finding the words to get the conversation started, TikTok and ChatGPT can be great tools for seeing what has worked for mothers before you, or even creating a mock dialogue around your specific conversation goals.
Tapping into Employee Assistance Programs (EAPs):
- Heard of these? EAPs are like those secret menu items at our favorite cafes. If our companies offer them, they can be a treasure trove—counseling, legal advice, childcare resources. Worth exploring, right?
Just because we rock at multitasking doesn’t mean we can’t seek a little workplace TLC. By championing these adjustments, not only do we make our lives more manageable, but we also pave the way for the working moms who’ll follow in our footsteps.
Reevaluating Personal and Professional Goals
Alright, moms, it’s time to have a heart-to-heart. Somewhere amid the school dress up days, boardroom presentations, and those never-ending piles of laundry, we might have let our personal and professional goals blend together. But here’s the deal: it’s totally okay (and beyond necessary) to hit pause and reassess. Let’s get into it:
The Power of Delegation:
- Here’s a little secret: We don’t need to do it all. Shocking, right? A lot of the time the high expectations we feel that we are constantly battling were actually put in place by ourselves in an effort to ensure we are doing everything in our power to hold the title of being a good mom. No wonder we are all experiencing Now is the time to reframe, re-evaluate, and delegate. Whether handing over specific tasks at work or asking our mother to PLEASEEEE call and schedule the kid’s eye appointments that you have put off scheduling for a month (because, time?). Let’s embrace the art of delegation. It’s about working smarter, not harder.
Understanding the Difference Between Perfection and Excellence:
- Raise your hand if you’ve been caught in the perfection trap. Anyone pretending their hand shouldn’t be up? Here’s some food for thought: While perfection is a pristine, unblemished apple (that often feels just out of reach), excellence is a deliciously juicy apple that might have a few spots but is still absolutely delightful. Striving for excellence means doing our best, not draining ourselves in pursuit of an often unattainable ideal.
So, mamas let’s recalibrate. Reassess those goals and give ourselves the grace to evolve. After all, our journey is about growing, learning, and finding joy in the dance between our personal and professional selves. Let’s twirl, leap, and sometimes just sway to the rhythm. We can do this!

Seeking Professional Help
Okay, it‘s time to dive deep for a moment. Ladies, the bottom line is that there’s strength in asking for help; sometimes, the bravest thing we can do is recognize when we need a guiding hand when battling mental exhaustion and the other symptoms that plague us when we experience burnout. Let’s peel back the layers on this:
Recognizing When to Consult a Therapist or Counselor:
- We consult professionals for our physical health, so why shy away regarding our mental well-being? We were brought up on a stigma of not seeking help for our mental health and now look at us. We are wandering around self-diagnosing ourselves and others like we all carry those qualifications in our wheelhouse. If the days seem grayer, if that weight on our chest feels a bit too heavy, it might be time to consider talking to a mental health provider. Remember, seeking guidance is not a sign of weakness; it’s a badge of wisdom, and a mother’s mental health has never been more important. (And since I already know you are too busy for an office visit if that isn’t in-person visits are not in your near future, I HIGHLY recommend checking out the BetterHelp App. Of the handful of apps I have tried for mental health, it is by far my favorite.)
The Benefits of Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy (CBT) for Burnout:
- Ever heard of CBT? Think of it as a gym session but for our thoughts. CBT helps us recognize those negative patterns in our thinking and equips us with strategies to reframe and conquer them. It’s like mental toning! When battling burnout, this structured approach can be a game-changer, providing us with tangible tools to reclaim our zest and vigor.
Powerhouse moms, let’s never forget: our mental health is paramount for combating burnout syndrome. Whether it’s leaning on a trusted friend or seeking the guidance of a professional, always know it’s okay to ask for help. Here’s to embracing every facet of our well-being and soaring even higher!

Our daily dance, juggling the roles of career mavens and supermoms, is nothing short of a whirlwind ballet. But here’s the heart of the matter: balance isn’t just a luxury—it’s an absolute must.
Just like we’ve got more hats than a hat store, our roles are multifaceted and constantly changing. While it’s tempting to keep spinning endlessly, remember that balance isn’t about perfection. It’s about harmony. It’s about those quiet moments with a cup of coffee, the laughter-filled ones with our kiddos, and the power-packed ones at work. It’s about taking the personal time to address our emotional health and take ourselves out of survival mode when we start to experience burnout. It’s essential for our sanity, health, and joy.
Here’s the golden ticket: when we’re at our best, so is everyone around us. By taking a moment, an hour, or even a day for ourselves, we’re replenishing our reserves and setting a beautiful example for our kids. We teach them the value of self-care, self-respect, and self-love.
So, to all my fierce, fabulous, and hardworking mommas out there, give yourselves a pat on the back, a hug, and perhaps that bottle of wine you’ve been eyeing. Here’s to us combating occupational burnout syndrome and thriving and growing in our maternal and professional roles, not just for our families but for ourselves.