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August 2017 Blogging Income Report

As August has come and gone, so has another month of my blogging journey! With August being my 5th full month of blogging, I am in awe of the milestones that I have achieved, and how much my little mommy blog has grown. While I am still not making a full-time income off of my brand, I am on the right track to achieving my goal within the first year. I am also still learning so much every day that helps me to further my brand, some of which I will be sharing today. So without further delay, here are my stats for the month of August.

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While I am still not rolling in the big bucks, my income has went up since my last report. Check it out!

  • Google Adsense- $19.23
  • Share-a-Sale- $0.00
  • Bluehost-$0.00
  • Amazon-$2.72
  • Media.Net-$4.14
  • Izea– $7.22

Notice a new affiliate up there? Yep, I joined IZEA in August, which is a community for creators and brands alike, and pays me to advertise via social media or blog posts.  This is super easy to use, and monitors my Twitter and Facebook.  Want to join and start earning yourself? Check it out here!

Total Income for August: $33.31


Guys, my little blog is finally getting there! This month, several “firsts” happened on my blog, and I am stoked. August brought me my 10,000th view, my first 1000+ view day, as well as my first 4000+view month. I could not be more thrilled with how this blog is growing.

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Here is my overall breakdown for the month of August.

Visitors: 3277

Views: 4081

Comments: 14

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So my crazy big, 1000+ view day? Totally Pinterest! I am figuring out how to get out there on Pinterest, and the work I have put in is really paying off. About 65% of my total traffic last month came from Pinterest. Not to shabby, eh?


So in my last blogging report, I talked about how the number of posts I created went down, but that the quality of my posts was good, so I felt like I was in a good place. Again, my posts this month were not numerous. I managed three whole posts this month!

Honestly, guys, I do want to get to a point where I have a full-time income coming in from this blog. I know it is going to take work (and more than 3 posts per month), but I also know that I made the choice to stay at home with my kids to spend more time with them. With August being the last month of guaranteed good summer weather, I took advantage of the month with my kids, and it showed on my blog. I am back in full force this month, however, and I plan on putting out at least 5 new posts, so stay tuned! Anyway, onto what I did post about this month.

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How to get out of Mowing your Yard Once and for All! – Seriously guys, if you need a laugh and have not yet read this, drop what you are doing and read it now. This is the story of how I (almost) got out of mowing the yard forever. I did this simply by realizing my NASCAR dreams while on my husband’s new zero turn mower. Yep, that happened.

Essential Tips for Back to School Success. – So, school is back in session, and this is totally my attempt at being helpful! For real though, since back to school can be super disrupting to schedules and my me time, I decided to share my back-to-school tips. Hopefully, this will make your year easier than mine is going to be.

Want to Lose Weight Breastfeeding without Losing your Supply? – Ok guys, I am really hopeful with this post. I have decided that I am going to start a series of posts centered around weight loss while breastfeeding. I’m envisioning collaborations and sponsored posts from companies with products that are safe for breastfeeding moms. I am also hopeful to get opinions from several professionals on the topic for my posts.  Also, if you have not read this post yet, you may want to, as it was my most popular post for the month of August. That’s right, this post pulled in over 2,500 views in August. I am so ecstatic with the potential of this series.

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Social Media Growth

Ok, so I may have been slacking in the posting area of my blog, but I can say that my social media following has been getting some attention in August. Here are my current social media stats.

Facebook – 178
Instagram – 2,326
Twitter 6,150

Not going to lie, my current social media following excites me. While building the following was not easy, I found it was so worth it in order to boost my traffic! Over the next couple of months, I am hoping to do some blogger-related posts with some basic tips for my readers on how to boost their own followings. It takes time, but it is so worth it. Promise.

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Goals for September

Two new posts in my new series – You read that right. I want to add at least two new posts to my new series, though I really would like to get to a point where I am posting on it once a week. I have really high hopes for this series, and I am hoping to see it really take off this month.

Post at least 5 new posts – I really do plan to get more content out this month. Believe it or not, my outlines are ready to go, and I am prepared to make this happen. Stay tuned, let’s see if I can do it!

Create my Media Kit – For those of you who are not blog savvy, my media kit is the bread and butter for securing my collaboration posts. Basically, this tells any companies interested what my following looks like, and what my blog is about. I am utterly terrified to share some of this information, but in my journey to make this blog amount to what I dream it can be, it is a must.

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Well guys, let’s get out there and make September one to remember! Questions, comments, or suggestions about anything you have read? Please, let me know in the comments! I would love to connect!

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  1. Thanks for sharing this! It’s really encouraging to see that working hard will create growth. I’m finishing up month 2 and it’s been a sllloooowwww start, but lots of fun, and seeing your success is energizing me to keep going!

  2. Thanks for sharing this! It’s really encouraging to see that working hard will create growth. I’m finishing up month 2 and it’s been a sllloooowwww start, but lots of fun, and seeing your journey is energizing me to keep going!

  3. Congratulations Mama! Doing a happy dance for you it is so exciting when you get paid doing what you love.

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