Check out the April 2017 Blog Income Report of a brand new mommy blogger. (PS, it was my first full calendar month blogging.)

April 2017 Blogging Income Report

So I  survived my first whole, official calendar month blogging. Now for the question on everyone’s mind. What did my income look like?

Well, while it was not much, there was some there, so here goes my first official blog income report for the month of April 2017. (Technically I started my blog at the end of March, however I did not have any income during that month. This being said, I did not bore you all with a report of, “Hey, I made $0.”), pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

While I had several affiliates in place to monetize with, I only managed to generate income from one. I feel that as far as documenting my monetization journey goes however, all of the affiliates are worth mentioning. Here is the list of the affiliates I was working with in April:


  • Google Adsense- $6.94
  • Share-a-Sale- $0.00
  • Bluehost-$0.00
  • Amazon-$0.00

As some of you know from reading How I made Money Blogging in my First Month, the affiliates I work with pay in different ways. Some pay per view of the ad placed on my site, some pay per customer click through to the ad. Other affiliates only pay when you click the ad and purchase the product mentioned. None of these affiliates charge you anything extra, but they pay me for the ad space on my blog that gets their product in front of your eyes.

So, now that you know what my affiliate income looked like, lets look at the traffic that came through to my site in the month of April. Shall we?, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


According to my stat’s on WordPress, my traffic actually was pretty decent for the month of April, considering it was only my first calendar month. Below are the stats I found:

Visitors:1015 (WHOA BUDDY! Over 1000 visitors made it to my site in April! Thank you for your support guys!)

Views: 1796 (This means I had 1796 unique page views on my blog for the month. Some of your guys were checking out more than one post a visit. Amazing!), pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Comments: 29 ( This is awesome! I love engaging with my audience and hearing your feedback! Please feel free to drop me a comment on any of my posts that inspire you, or make you giggle!)

Fun tidbit; I had visitors from IP addresses(your computer’s address) register from all over the world this month! While the bulk of my views were from right here in the US, I also received visitors from Canada, the United Kingdom, Germany, Australia, Finland, South Africa, India, Ireland, and the United Arab Emirates! Way to make me feel famous guys!


Ok, so I am not overly proud of this one. During the month of April, I managed to publish only 7 posts. I guess this is not terrible considering I have an 8-year-old, 3-year-old, and newborn in the house. I plan to get this number closer to 10+ posts per month in the future., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0


Time to set some goals for this month so that I have something to reflect back upon for May’s income report. The following are some goals that I have for this month, and I hope to have good news to report back next month!

Increase Income- We all knew that was coming. I would like to double my income, at the very least, for the month of May. I plan to do so by looking more into my other affiliate programs and utilizing different post styles to better suit those programs. I know this is achievable for me, it is just going to take some work.

Increase Traffic- While I feel my traffic for April was rockin’ for a start-up blog, I want to see it continue to trend up. I am learning more about search engine optimization, and I am really digging into Pinterest this month! Add me on Pinterest at TheCrazySAHM if you want to follow along with what I am doing there!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Increase Subscribers- I have not yet found the page to generate stats as to EXACTLY how many subscribers I currently have. I would guess the number is probably close to 20. I plan to increase this number, and hopefully double it, in the coming month. I also plan to start sending out a newsletter to my subscribers soon, so be on the lookout if you have subscribed! (If not, please feel free to do so, I would love to include you!)

If you have read this far, thank you for being interested enough in my journey to hear me ramble.

Seriously though, I appreciate your support more than you know! I am determined to succeed at blogging, and I could not succeed without readers like you!

Surprised by anything you read in the stats about my first full month blogging? Interested in starting a blog yourself? Are you a blogger who had a great April or has some awesome tips? Please leave a comment below! Also, if you enjoyed this post, feel free to share it or check out some of my other posts! Thanks for reading!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

This post contains affiliate links.

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  1. Way to go!! I’m still fairly new to this (a few months in) but I haven’t even tried to monetize yet, I’m still not quite sure about making the switch from, but I need to get on with it! (Hi, from all the way over in the Caribbean…) 🙂

  2. It can sometimes be hard to get those posts up. I definitely feel that quality is better than quantity and you are hitting it on the quality.

    1. Thank you Elise! I really appreciate the feedback! I am trying my best to hit the ground running, but I feel like I still have so much to learn!

  3. Well done. As a new blogger, I am encouraged. Thanks for sharing the personal info.

  4. That is pretty amazing being your first month blogging. Keep the report coming. I will be following your journey.


  5. I found your site on Facebook!

    This is so great. I love reading about new bloggers and their success stories. I started three months ago and don’t think I’ve made much, but am only doing Amazon for my affiliate. My comments are practically nill (but not sharing on Facebook yet) but have lots of shares so that’s a start.

    Love your blog name! I’m a SAHM too!

    1. Thanks Cathy! It is a slow start that is for sure, but I am gaining momentum slowly! I am actually hoping to do an Amazon feature next week and possibly pick up my first Amazon sale…we will see how that goes! I would love to connect and keep up on each other’s progress if you are interested! Let me know! 🙂

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