5 Secrets about using Natural Hair Products
Alright moms, have you jumped on the “Natural Hair Products” bandwagon yet?
Recently, I was asked to review a natural hair care product. As I have been wanting to try these natural products for a while, I decided now was the time to get it done.
Receiving my kit from Desert Essence in the mail, I was overwhelmed but excited to give natural products a go! (Did you know they make all kinds of natural shampoos, conditioners, body care, oils and dental care products?)
***Disclaimer-I received this product for free from Moms Meet (momsmeet.com) to use and post my honest opinions. Compensation for this post was provided and this page may contain affiliate links***
What I found out about these products, changed the way I wash my hair, maybe forever. (Ok, maybe a bit dramatic, but it did totally make a difference in my hair routine!) These natural hair product “secrets” are what I want to share with you. I mean, in the process of building up your fellow woman, you want her to have great hair too, right?
So ladies, from my roots to my tips, here is what I discovered.
Use Less Product
One of the craziest things I noticed using Desert Essence natural hair products was that I used a lot less of it then I did my regular box store products.
Yep, I am one of those mom’s who is used to squeezing half a palm full of product into my hand to wash/condition/style my hair. Guilty. As. Charged.
This was way too much when using the natural products, and I felt much of it went to waste if I did this. I recommend starting with a quarter sized amount (this was plenty enough for me) and moving up if need be.
Wash Less
Confession: I am the girl who used to wash her hair daily.
I know. Modern day beauty has taught us that this is a no-no. I however, have always had an issue shaking that 2nd day greasy hair feeling. Using Desert Essence however, my problem seems to have been eliminated.
Now that I am using natural hair products, I have found that I am easily going 2-3 days on average without washing my hair. This has resulted in a heck of a lot less shedding! (Seriously, I was kinda getting worried prior to this switch.)
This however, brings me to my next point.
Healthier Hair
Guys, I have used big box hair products my whole life. I thought that because my hair was shiny, and always smelled nice, that it was healthy.
Guess what? I thought wrong.
Since starting Desert Essence, I have noticed my hair is lighter than it has ever been before.
My hair is not only long, but also THICK, so light hair has never been a thing in my life.
Not only is it lighter, but since I started using natural hair products, it also feels cleaner. No major grease issues, no dry scalp, and no musty smell after going a day without washing.
Crazy, right?
Uniquely Scented
So this one kinda caught me off guard.
As with any shampoo product that I have ever used, one of the first things I do with it is smell it. Upon opening and smelling Desert Essence, I was taken aback.
Since these are natural hair products, they are not made using the perfumes you get from the big box store brands. Therefore, rather than being met with perfume filled scents, I was hit with natural smells like tea tree oil and apple cider vinegar.
While this was definitely different from what I was used to, I quickly became accustomed to the scents. Not only this, but my hair did not retain the scents from these products the same as it did the big box brands.
This lead me to wonder, how much perfume chemical was I leaving in my hair after I washed with the big box brands in the past? Yuck!
More Affordable than Anticipated
Ok, so I admit, I have been a crazy coupon mom and bought my hair care products on the cheap over the last couple years. Thus, the price tag on natural hair care products has always scared me.
After trying the Desert Essence products, and realizing how long they last (you are washing and using less after all), I realized that the $10.00 price tag was not so unrealistic! (We will not go into how much of me died when my son split half a bottle of product on the shower floor when he was washing his own hair.)
This, paired with the fact that the company is offering my readers 20% off of their purchase of their Anti-Breakage or Smoothing hair care line with code ” DELovesMomsMeet” and now we are talking a deal!
You can check out their prices and products at www.desertessence.com.
Notes from a Real Mom on Natural Hair Products
Overall, I was pleasantly surprised by my experience with Desert Essence natural hair products. This company has been doing their thing and ROCKING at it for 40 years now, and it shows! They have made me a believer in the natural hair product craze, and I have to say, there price points are much more achievable than some of the current direct sale natural products.
Do I think that I will be a natural hair product user for life?
For the most part, yes.
I mean, my cheaper hair care products will still accompany me on trips where they can be forgotten, sure. But these products are on track to me my “momdulgence”.
Honestly, everyone is preaching “Self Care” right now, and if my own self care is going to be the 10 minutes I sometimes get to have alone in the shower, then I am going to spend it with a product I love.
Have you tried any natural hair care products? Let me know your thoughts on them below! Still waiting to try some? Click here to get a taste of Desert Essence and see for yourself why I am in love with their products.
Happy Washing!

I have been very curious about the natural hair care items lately as well. Hmmm, maybe I should look into this soon then later!
Honestly, I was curious but cautious before I tried it. The price was always my hard stop. After trying it though? I may never go back! Thanks for reading!
Hmmm… this makes me wonder. I have naturally curly (frizzy?) hair. I do use chemicals for coloring **hello vanity!** and I have recently had a smoothening treatment that I LOVE. I do only wash my hair about once a week or less and that seems to help a lot with the frizzies. I may just give this a shot and see what happens!
I am literally obsessed with natural hair care products. My hair is so dry and is getting thin day by day. I usually love desert essence shampoo but have not tried this one. Thanks for the recommendation.
Hi Chelsea! I love your post! it’s very useful for taking good care of hair. I also use Desert Essence which is make my hair cleaner and healthier. Moreover, I also take good care of my hair by having some supplement as Biotin Supplements as shown here https://www.eathealthyandthrive.com/best-biotin-supplements/. Using both good shampoo with good supplement can make your hair perfect and also make me look good appearance.