5 Mom Friends You Need In Life

It takes a village to raise a child. We have all heard that age-old phrase. What they failed to mention is that this village NEEDS to be comprised, at least partially, of other mamas. You need mom friends!

You know the types. Those ladies that are going to go rollin’ into the parent pickup line with you in a convoy of badass-ness, planners in one hand and cold coffee in the other. The ones who have that evenings wine daintily thrown in the passenger seat in its cozy paper bag.

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Yep, them’s the ones.

For those of you mamas who do not have your tribe of mom friends quite solidified yet, no worries! Here are the ones you are gonna want in your group.

5 kids in a yellow bouncy castle

The Mom of Multiples

One of the mom friends that every mom needs to have in her crew is the “mom of multiples”.

Please note, when I say multiples here, I do not mean Suzie homemaker with two kids next door. For this valued village member, you are looking for the mama who has three or more rugrats that they are chasing around on a daily basis.

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This mom drives a minivan (or a large, LARGE, SUV), and her hair is always in a mom bun. She is usually in a baggy sweatshirt with spit up on it, and she is forever sporting leggings. She is often found occupying the handicapped stall in public bathrooms, where you can see a stroller, and at least 3 sets of feet under the door, and hear tones of “Don’t touch that”, and “Do not open that door or I swear to…” being hissed. She also hears more than she cares to admit that she “has her hands full”, or that she has “quite the crew of little helpers” when she is in the grocery store rolling four deep.

This mama is the member of your tribe who will always be down to help with your kiddos. (What’s one more?) She always is the first to pull out an extra diaper/wipe/tissue/outfit or bag of snacks when you realize you left home without one. Her house always feels like home and makes yours feel less chaotic. She also always has the best tips for traveling with your kids. Which strollers take up the least amount of room but still hold your Starbucks, and which baby carriers are garbage vs. which are gold, she knows it all.

This mom friend is going to overwhelm you at times, but you cannot do it without her.

4 women sitting outside on a benches laughing and holding drinks

The On It Mom

Do you have a mom friend who is totally on point with everything she does?

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If not, lady you need to get her in your tribe.

The “on it” mom will be the one who is organized to a point where you start to question if she is real, or if she is in fact a mythical unicorn.

For real. This mom has a planner and ABUSES it to a point where nothing is forgotten. She is the first to arrive at practices, games, and other school functions. She is always appropriately dressed for the occasion. (Usually, her children’s outfits also match because she actually had time to plan them.) She remembers your birthday BEFORE the Facebook notification goes out, and her children’s shot records and well-child checks are up to date.

This mama will also be the one who texts to remind you about the extracurriculars that you forgot and already has an extra gift to cover you for the neighborhood birthday party you totally spaced. She already knows you are not bringing anything more than plates and napkins to the school party. (No worries, she isn’t judging, she LOVES to bake!) This is also the mama that totally has your back and is filling in to cheer your kid on from the stands when your shift runs late and your kids’ game doesn’t wait.

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Yep, you need her too.

The Matches Your Crazy Mom

When it comes to your tribe, the “matches your crazy mom” is one mom friend you need to have in your posse.

Why you ask?

Because she is going to make you feel sane.

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This mama will be the one calling you vow that she will no longer be a yelling mom. Then, she will ask you to “hang on” as she covers the phone speaker to scream at her kids to quit playing in the toilet. She is forever tired, generally not on time, and mirrors your parenting style.

Also, she totally gets you.

This is the mama you call when you are two seconds from losing your shit. (For the 5th time this morning). The one who is down for threatening your kids on the phone when you just wanna give up and cry. The mom who gets that you need to hide in the closet for 10 minutes with your bottle of wine, and facetime your preschooler while you do so.

This mom friend? Well, the two of you may share a soul.

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young children kicking soccer balls in a soccer field

The Ride or Die Mom

Oh yes. This mom friend is bound to be full of fun, right?

Your “ride or die” mom friend is the one who is down for anything. (Plus, she helps you clean up the messes afterward when you realize that a slip-and-slide in the kitchen was a terrible idea.) She has zero hesitation when you say you should both take the kids (all six of them) on a moms-only camping retreat. She also brings the wine. When you suggest a bake sale at the PTO meeting, she rolls her eyes while raising her hand to volunteer to be your first mate on the project.

Also shares your bad ideas, and counters them with her own, adding to the fun. And her kids? Mama, you consider them just as much yours as you are practically her live-out wifey, and she feels the same about your kids.

This is the mom who you know will ALWAYS have your back. Even when she is pissed off at you and doesn’t want to see your face, she is still rooting for you and would knock someone out for portraying you in a bad light.

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Yeah, you cannot go without this one.

The Mom of Older Kids

This mom friend, well mama, you are not gonna want to skip out on having her on your team.

The “mom of older kids” will be the one who you will envy out of all of your mom friends. She is in a different season than you are, and thus, she seems a bit more put together. Rather than chasing toddlers and changing butts, she is quietly enjoying gangster wrap from the serenity of the parent pick up line. Gone are her days of hand, foot, and mouth and RSV scares. Preschool snack days forgotten are a thing of her past.

Yet, when your toddler develops little itchy red splotches all over her tummy and face, her wisdom is the first that you seek. The first time your kid brings home head lice, you find she is already on her way over with mayonnaise, tea tree oil, and lice shampoo. And when your oldest finally hits her “developing years” this is the mom who comes over toting a celebratory box of Kotex and a bottle of wine. (Mama, you gotta get through that teenage PMS somehow!)

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The “mom of older kids” is going to be the one you are jealous of most of the time, yet she is going to be your greatest mentor. Skipping her leaves you in struggles you really could do without.

4 women standing together and laughing in front of a white garage door, photo is in black and white

Crazy Mom Talk

There you have them, the 5 mom friends every mom needs. Get ready mama, because now I am going to tell you the magic.

These friends do not have to be 5 different people. As a matter of fact, at least one of your friends will wind up covering two or more rolls. Also, you may find that for your own mom friends, you are managing to fill two of these roles. Whichever way the wind blows in that matter, roll with it!

My biggest point here is that ensuring that you have one of each of these categories in your village will make your life exponentially happier, easier, and more fun. These ladies help you to balance out your own parenting quirks, and they also will be there to remind you to remain true to yourself when the days get rough.

As for my mom friends, if you are trying to fit yourself into these categories, then the ones you feel you relate most with are probably right where I have you. Regardless of which one you fit though, know that I love you all more than you know for helping me to become the mother I am today, and to maintain (MOST) of my sanity while doing so.

So, do you have all of these moms in your circle? Let me know below, and PLEASE share this with your mom friends so that they can benefit as well!

Being a mom is hard and trying to raise your kids without a village, well mama that is miserable. Check this out to discover the 5 mom friends you need in life, and see how many you don't even realize you already have! #momlife #momfriends #mom #parenting

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