Finding extra money to pay off debt can be rough. Check out these apps to start earning extra money today!

11 Apps to make Extra Money to Destroy your Debt

Disclosure- This post contains affiliate links. That means if you click on a link on this page, I may be compensated at no additional cost to you. It may not be much, but I am using it to pay off my own pile of debt.

So you have decided to make the commitment to pay your way out of debt. You have made your debt payoff plan, have read all of the Dave Ramsey books, and you are ready to get started. The only problem is, where do you make the extra money come from when there is nothing extra in the budget?, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

I have been in your shoes! Believe it or not, there are some major ways to make some extra cash using something that you already use every day.

Your cellphone.

Yep, that beautiful piece of technology that can now do almost anything a computer can now also can help you to earn extra money!

Do not get me wrong, none of these are get-rich-quick schemes by any means. They will, however, help to put some extra cashback in your pocket. In turn, if you use that cash on some of that debt you have racked up, chances are you can pay off a nice little chunk. And all from your phone., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

So how do you do it?

Sell Sell Sell

Start by going through your closet. You would be shocked at how much extra money you can make just by selling some of those pieces that you do not wear anymore.

Those boots you bought last year that you wore once and then hid in the back of your closet? Probably time to part with them.

If you want to start selling immediately, take a couple of photos of your items, and post them to Poshmark. (A super easy online selling app. You list with them, you sell, they keep a small portion of the profit and they cover the shipping and credit card fees. Order some FREE shipping boxes from UPS and you are all set!) Use my referral code, CFAULKNER2411, and get $5 off your first order if you find something on there that you love while you are posting your goods!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Looking to sell some of the kids’ clothes? Check out Kidizen! (Again, another awesome sales app! You pay shipping on this one, so be sure to price accordingly. You are marketing to all parents who are looking for good buys though, so chances of quick sales are high!) Also, if you use my referral code, hbk0r, you again can get $5 off your first purchase!

Money Saving Apps

There are all kinds of apps out there nowadays to help you save extra money on your everyday purchases. This is seriously one of the simplest ways to start saving money in a hurry.

Receipt Scanners

Receipt Hog – This one is easy. Scan your receipts (All kinds of receipts!) and you get points! Plus, for every week you scan your receipts in, you get a weekly bonus. If you only scanned in one receipt for 33 weeks in a row, you are going to get $40 to your PayPal. (Not including the extra points you will earn for those scanned receipts or the slots they let you play.)

$40, is $40, and that extra money is enough to payoff a small chunk of one of my cards., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Fetch Rewards – Again, another easy one for you. Simply scan your grocery receipts from wherever you shop, and Fetch is going to search for points for you! Fetch works on brands, so whenever you buy one of several popular brands, you are going to get points. These points convert to cash once you have enough saved up.

Plus, enter code V1AQN when you register the app, and you will get an additional 1,500 2,000 points ($1.50 $2.00) just for using my code!

These points cash out for gift cards to your favorite stores. While it isn’t cash to pay your bills, you could easily use the cash you are saving by using the gift card to put towards your debt!

Ibotta – Now if you are an avid reader of mine, you have seen me talk about how Ibotta paid for part of my last Disney trip. If not, then get ready, because I love Ibotta!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Ibotta allows you to select offers that you think will fit your shopping habits. Then you go do your shopping, scan your receipt, and within 2-3 days, the money from your offers is ready to withdraw! The cash you get back really adds up quickly with this one!

Plus, if you use my Ibotta code ( jqgfqg ) when you sign up, you get a $10 welcome bonus when you redeem your first offer! Free money anyone?

Linked to your Card

Dosh – Ok guys. So Dosh is officially my newest money-saving app, and I am in love! This one is so easy! You download the app, sign up, and link the card you use to do most of your shopping. Then, Dosh finds deals for you at participating retailers and simply refunds you the money back to your account.

Are you an online shopper? Get ready! Dosh also gives rebates on purchases at all kinds of online retailers, and even some hotel purchases!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Not only that, but when you sign up here, you get $5 back when you link your card just to try the app!

Currently, when you sign your friends up for Dosh, you make $5 for each friend who signs up and links their card!

Work out to Earn

Achievement– This one is so cool, and links straight to your fitness tracker! Simply download the app, link it to your fitness tracker app, and you are good to go!

While you only earn about a max of 80 points per day, this app still adds up to you making an extra $30+ per year. Not a ton, but something else to add to your debt mountain!

Plus, sign up using this link and you will earn an additional 100 points just for using my code!, pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

Direct Savings Apps

DigitDigit is another one of those apps that I have talked about before when I shared with you guys how I saved $1600 without trying. The premise behind this one is super simple though.

After you download the app, link your bank account. (Yes, I know this seems scary, but do your homework. They are insured) Then, Digit analyzes your spending habits over a period of time, and starts making small withdraws in amounts you will not miss.

A few dollars here, a few more there. You really do not miss the small withdrawals, but boy does the money add up quickly!

All of this extra money is stored in a savings account for you, that you can withdraw at any time. The only downside is, that I believe this app has started charging a few dollars a month to cover their overhead., pub-5374492788390772, DIRECT, f08c47fec0942fa0

If you use this referral link however, you can try it for FREE for a month to see if it is going to pay off for you to use it! Just think about the bills you could pay off!

Qapital – This is my newest automatic savings app, and I am blown away by its functionality! Same basic premise as Digit as far as linking your bank account (also insured), however, the savings add up according to your terms!

Simply set a goal that you want to save for, (a big bill maybe?) then pick out your savings rules. You can round up each purchase (the change to the nearest dollar is saved), do an automatic savings day, or even hook your Fitbit! Yep, this app will let you pay your savings for every day that you hit your step goal.
Freaking cool huh?

Plus, sign up for Qapital here and you will get an extra $$$ when you complete your first deposit! FREE money again!

Survey Sites

Honestly, I could do a complete post on survey sites to make you money, but we will save that for another day.

Today, I will highlight two of my favorites for time’s sake.

OnePulse– This survey app is, dare I say it, fun! Seriously. The “surveys” or pulses as they call them, are all 3 questions each and are not that of your traditional survey site. Not only are they super quick, but the more pulses you complete, the more you get paid.

Not every pulse pays, but all of them contribute to your overall score. Your score works to increase the amount you are paid for the monetary pulses. So far I am getting about 1 out of 10 that are paid, but for the 10 minutes a day I spend on the app, that isn’t too bad. (At least in comparison to some surveys I have spent 20 minutes on for $.20)

Swagbucks – If you have not yet heard about Swagbucks, it is time to get in on the game. Paid surveys, monetized videos, paid shopping, paid offers, this app has it all. And those Swagbucks add up to some serious cash in no time!

Yep, you will be tackling that pile of debt sooner rather than later.

Ready to join Swagbucks? Click here!

Well, guys, it is not a “get rich quick” scheme by any means. These are, however, legitimate ways that you can make a few extra bucks to get your debt snowball going.

In what ways are you making extra money to pay off that debt? Let me know in the comments below!

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  1. Who doesn’t love to save money and make money? I am struggling with the space on my phone to add more apps but I need to either get a new phone or remove items from my phone. I need these helpful/useful apps!

    1. I have been on the space struggle bus in the past…if you are Android, try syncing your phone to the cloud. It will back up all of your pictures and everything so that you can delete them from your phone’s hard drive, yet you still have access to them at any time through the cloud. It freed up a ton of space for me with my last phone!

    1. Ibotta is one of my go-to apps! I was so excited to use it to save up money for Disney last year…it helped out with all of those little toys my kids thought they had to have that I just couldn’t see spending the money on.

    1. Thanks Susannah! I am working on getting my debt snowball rolling and I tell you what, those dollars start to add up a lot quicker than one might think 😛

  2. Hi Chelsea. I love your post. It is amazing how much money there is to be made with apps these days. Could i ask if any of these apps are any good in the UK. Neved seem to sign up for kne thats not a scam. Xx

  3. This is brilliant! I just started using Receipt Hog a month ago and already earned $13. I also use Ebates for only shopping. I did not know about all these other ones. I will definitely try them out because who doesn’t want some extra cash! Great blog post! Thanks!

  4. Great suggestions! There are some apps on this list that I haven’t heard of and will definitely have to check out! Definitely one of the automatic savings one – putting money into my savings account has been the hardest for me recently. Thanks for a great list!

  5. These are great apps! I have heard so much about posh mark and really need to look into using it. Ibotta is one of my go to for shopping at my local stores.

    1. Glad that I could maybe introduce you to a few new avenues for income for you! There really are a ton of money saving apps out there. It is kind of crazy! Thanks for reading!

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