10 Spring Cleaning Tasks to Start Today!
It is that time of year—spring cleaning.
You know.
When you are ready for spring weather, yet winter is lingering and just does not want to leave? When your house needs a lift, yet you are not quite in full swing?
I swear. All I have wanted to do for the last 3 weeks is open the windows, let in the breeze, and get my spring cleaning on!
The Indiana weather is finally playing ball with me, and spring has decided to creep on in allowing for a bit of window time!
This being said I have already started to de-funk my house! Not quite enough to consider spring cleaning, but enough to get the grime out of the places I do not usually think about. Yep, time to clean out that funk and start letting in the spring.
The problem is, where do you start when you cannot quite let in the sunshine, but are itching to do something? Check out this spring cleaning list for my 10 things to get started on today!
Citrus Candle or Wax Melts
First things first, time to make your home start smelling cleaner. Spring cleaning warrants the use of fresh spring scents, so bring on the citrus!
Oranges and lemons make my lists of top favorite spring scents. Plus, added perk, they make my whole home just feel brighter!
Yeah, mocha scents just cannot do that for me.
Clean the Dishwasher
One of the things I never think to clean until this time of year is the dishwasher. Don’t get me wrong, I always end up cleaning it intermittently throughout the year, but spring cleaning is the time when it actually hits me that it needs care.
If you want to make this job super quick, you can pull a Chelsea and purchase your dishwasher cleaner from Amazon here. (It even comes prime, so you will have it in just a couple of days.)
You could also use these tips from Homedit to clean your dishwasher on your own using just vinegar!
Clean the Washer
Just like the dishwasher, cleaning the washer is something else I do not think about until spring cleaning time. I mean, the washer cleans your clothes, so why do you have to clean it, right?
Yeah, um no.
You have to clean those puppies.
Again, you can cheat and purchase your washer cleaner from Amazon here. If you want to go the DIY route, you could also use these tips from iheartnaptime in order to clean your washer on your own using just vinegar!
Deep Clean Your Floors
I know, no one wants to get down on the floor and clean anymore. With Swiffers and steam mops, the idea of scrubbing on your hands and knees is almost obsolete. Honestly though, while it seems like a bunch of work, the results are totally worth it!
Promise, it isn’t that hard. Plus, think of all the extra stuff you will pull up when you do finally scrub the floors by hand!
So grab a bucket, a good rag, and your favorite cleaner and get to work ladies! Your floors will thank you! (Ok, so maybe not, but they will look freaking awesome!)
Clean Table/Chair Legs
How often do you think to clean off the legs of your chairs/table?
If you are like me, the answer is NEVER.
About once a year, I start to defunk my house and start spring cleaning all of my furniture! I grab a good furniture polish and start removing the years’ worth of dirt and grime that my kids (yeah, we will blame it all on them) have deposited onto the legs of my furniture.
This one goes by super quick once you get started, and your furniture looks so much better when you are done! Definitely not a step to skip!
Deep Clean Your Mattress
We have all seen the videos. You know…the ones where they show us everything living in our mattress?
Don’t worry, I try to ignore them too.
But when I get into spring cleaning mode, it is time to defunk the mattresses in my home too. Guess what though guys? This one isn’t too hard either!
I start by vacuuming the mattress in question. (I vacuum the tar out of it until I am sure those gross things from the dirty mattress videos are gone.) Then, I spray the whole thing down with a solution made up of 1 drop of dish soap, 3TBS baking soda, and 8 oz of hydrogen peroxide. Once the mattress is dried out, I vacuum the whole thing again, and voila! Clean mattress!
See, told you it wasn’t that hard!
Launder Curtains
One thing I never really thought about doing until I had my own house was laundering the curtains.
I mean, they are a pain in the ass to hang, so do you really have to wash them?
(The answer is yes, unfortunately)
The great thing is, if you go ahead and defunk your curtains while you are spring cleaning, you do not have to mess with them again for about 6 months! Plus, wash them with Downy Unstoppables, then leave your windows open and the fragrance that you are left with?
Bliss. Sheer Bliss.
The main thing to remember when laundering your curtains, is to pay attention to the directions provided on the tag. While I just throw all of my curtains in the washer on cold, (because I am a mom, and who freaking has time) some fabrics will come with specific care instructions that you should probably pay attention to if you want your curtains to still look pretty when they come back out of the wash.
Just food for thought.
Clean Window Sills
What do I hate more than washing windows?
Cleaning the window sills.
This job is for the birds, alas, it must be done. Therefore, it makes it onto my spring cleaning list so that I only have to do a major scrub down of them once a year.
Because, while it does make me happy to have the windows open in the spring, it grosses me out to see all of the nasties that tried to live in the window sill over the winter.
Enough said.
Clean Out the Couch
For finances sake, this one should probably be on more than your spring cleaning list.
But for the fact that I hate pulling all of the couch cushions apart and vacuuming out all of the nooks and crannies, I generally only clean the couch out twice a year.
Definitely one that needs to be on the list though.
I mean, have you seen how much money those things eat?
Clear out the Kitchen Cabinets
Oh yes, I had to sneak this one in there.
If you are anything like me, the more your kids grow and start to help with the chores, the more disorganized your cabinets become. Therefore, at least once a year generally during spring cleaning time, all of my cabinets get defunked.
Haven’t used it in a year?
No idea where the other pieces to the gizmo are?
All of the freaking Tupperware lids that have been multiplying like bunnies, yet have no containers.
By the time I am done, it feels like I have a whole new kitchen!
Plus, I am actually able to find things for like a week or two.
While you are at it, check out this AWESOME spice cabinet organizer! No more having all that stuff fall on your head, or never being able to find the stuff in the back!!!
Well guys, there you have it! My spring cleaning list of “must do’s”.
Do you guys have any additional chores you had to your spring cleaning list? Let me know below! Find these tips helpful? Give this post a share on Facebook so your friends can utilize it too!