Powerful Empowerment Books for Working Moms Who Want More
Looking for the perfect book to add to your list of empowerment books for working moms? You know the one. That read that is going to inspire you to create the perfect work-life balance for yourself? To rock your family life while moving through your career path like the powerhouse you are?
Girl, aren’t we all?
Have you ever heard an audio book you found so empowering you had to buy it in print? One where you just had to hold the pages between your fingers as proof. Proof that the pages really did hold the infinite wisdom you heard?
This is precisely what I have experienced with the books listed here.
I cannot promise you the moon and the stars from any one single book on this list. Based on my own experiences however, each of the reads listed below hold some MAJOR practical advice, inspiring personal stories, and valuable insights that will light creative fires all throughout your mind. These are not your run of the mill personal growth books however.
No ma’am.

The empowerment books for working moms included on this list are my favorite, most helpful book recommendations for busy moms. These are the titles I have hand selected from over one hundred similar books that I have consumed. These are books I would recommend to the busy working mom who is looking for inspiration. The one who needs her fire lit, but doesn’t have time to siphon dozens of books to find the lighter.
So what are we waiting for? Let’s get started.
This post does contain affiliate links. If you make a purchase using one of the links in this post, I may receive a small commission. Rest assured, this does not cost you extra. Also, let’s be honest. I am likely spending the money on coffee and appreciate any support.
1. You Are a Badass: How to Stop Doubting Your Greatness and Start Living An Awesome Life by Jen Sincero
Looking for hand-holding and gentle nudges? Then, You Are a Badass might not be for you. But, if you crave actionable steps and a no-nonsense approach that’ll kick your motivation into high gear? Well then congratulations—you’ve found your match. Jen Sincero’s guide is a must-have for any working mom’s empowerment reading list
When starting my own self empowerment journey, I came across plenty of books written by women that came with a soft, feminine touch. The gentle prompts of “it’s ok to think negatively, just ensure you match every negative thought with a positive one.”
Then, I found Jen Sincero and her magic words. My favorite quote?
“It’s not your fault that you’re fucked up. It’s your fault if you stay fucked up.” – Jen Sincero
If this is the kind of practical tip you find yourself in need of to level-up your life, this is going to be one of the essential books on your journey.
Sincero walks you through her how-to guide to greatness from cover to cover in her book. By taking you on her own transformational journey, and the actionable steps she took to overcome her obstacles she enlightens you with lessons you can take back to your own life. This easy read will have you laughing along, while embedding empowering wisdom, deep into your brain. This same wisdom is embedded only to be brought back out during the next challenging situation you face.
Don’t you love it when authors set you up for success?
2. Come As You Are: The Surprising New Science That Will Transform Your Sex Life by Emily Nagoski, Ph.D.
This would not be an adequate list of empowerment books for working moms if it did not include an empowering guide to upgrading your sex-life. So, I present Come As You Are, your practical guide to the empowerment of your vulva. (Ok, so I made that tagline up, but I am kind of proud of it, so it stays.)
In Emily Nagoski’s book, she serves as your candid guide whose purpose is to ingrain you with the belief that we are all made using “the same parts, just organized in different ways.” It doesn’t matter if you have a high sex drive or no sex drive. If you prefer men, women, or non-binary folks. If your vulva is fat, skinny, large, tucked away, hairy or bald. Emily is about to rock your world with the news that it, and you, are perfect the way you are.
And then, she is going to empower you to learn how to rock your socks off by yourself or with a partner. After Come As You Are, you will dump the mental load of what society has taught you your sex-life should be, and embrace your own experiences, likes and dislikes.
It’s about time you lose the mom guilt and start finding time for you things girl. Might as well start here.
3. 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life: BS-Free Wisdom to Ignite Your Inner Badass and Live the Life You Deserve by Andrea Owen

Self-love, resilience, goal-setting, and the importance of authenticity. These are just a few topics that Andrea Owen is covering in 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life. No wonder it is landing on my list of empowerment books for working moms, right?
When you are looking to find some new ways (and rediscover old ones) to reclaim your power as a badass, Andrea is your girl.
In her book, each chapter presents unique actionable strategies, accompanied by relatable anecdotes, reflective questions, and exercises. These are designed to challenge and inspire readers to make meaningful changes in their lives. 52 Ways to Live a Kick-Ass Life serves as both a tough-love pep talk and a compassionate guide. It’s goal?
Motivating readers to stop settling for mediocrity, start facing their fears, and begin living their lives in the present moment with gusto.
If you are looking for another fluff book, again, this one is not going to fit that description. If you are seeking motivation and empowerment, Andrea will light you on fire with this book. Then, she will keep you pushing with her podcast, Make Some Noise.
4 . The Middle Finger Project: Trash Your Imposter Syndrome and Live the Unf*ckwithable Life You Deserve by Ash Ambirge
With a title like that, you have to already have a pretty good guess as to how this one ended up on my list of empowerment books for working moms.
Every single one of us has had a battle with imposter syndrome. If you claim you have not, then now is probably a good time for you to exit stage right. You sister have just made it known that you are not ready for this list.
If have embraced the fact that you have been a warrior in the battle against imposter syndrome, and you are ready to move past it, it’s time to order this book.
In her book, The Middle Finger Project, Ash Ambirge has brought us a bold and irreverent guide to breaking free from the constraints of conventional success and societal norms. Her end goal for all who read her book? For us badass ladies to carve out a truly authentic and fulfilling life.
With a mix of humor, straight talk, and actionable advice Ash provides readers a ton of practical strategies. Strategies for overcoming fear, taking risks, and building a life and career that reflects their true passions and values.
Having come from a background of poverty and built herself up and into a successful entrepreneur, Ash takes you on her personal journey, good, bad and ugly. (And full of badass attitude.) Her book has become the rally cry for everyone who is willing to read. A cry it to redefine what personal success means, seek financial independence, and to create work that matters.
5. Big Magic: Creative Living Beyond Fear by Elizabeth Gilbert
Elizabeth Gilbert, author of the best selling memoir “Eat, Pray, Love” is the creative genius behind the next book on our list of empowerment books for working moms. Big Magic is one of my favorite books when it comes to resetting, finding my own positive mindset, and getting back to the pursuit of my own creativity.
Throughout her book, Elizabeth uses personal anecdotes, motivational passages, and thought-provoking questions to challenge the traditional hurdles that creatives face. From conquering our own inner critics, to moving past the constraints that society wants to place upon us. Elizabeth challenges us to let go and embrace joy, and to find our own way through the crazy.
It is almost as if we are being gifted a permission slip to live a life deeply enriched by constant creativity, fearlessness, and openness to the big magic that resides in all of us.
This is one of those books you really want to bust out and read to your young daughters and sons and say “Hey, see here? There really IS more to it than just the day to day hustle and bustle. You can lean in, let the magic happen and find crazy amounts of success in it. You just have to not lose sight of the magic you see now as you hurry to grow up.”
It seems crazy to me now that we let that magic go growing up for the harshness of reality. Good news is, Big Magic is here to help us to rediscover it.

6. Limitless: Upgrade Your Brain, Learn Anything Faster, and Unlock Your Exceptional Life by Jim Kwik
Had someone told me that I would have included a book by a world-renowned brain coach who studied neuroscience on one of MY lists of empowering books for working moms about three years ago, I likely would have laughed at them. Then, through the reading of his book, I met Jim Kwik. (Though I do plan to meet him in real-life at some point, not just through text. Alas, that day has not yet come.) While his titles and studies all seem intimidating and like things I do not have time to learn, that could not be further from the truth. He is completely down to Earth and honestly, I found I no longer had the time NOT to learn his techniques.
They are that good.
At the start of the book Limitless, you are introduced to a young Jim. Jim was a less than stellar student. (think traumatic brain injury at a young age, told he would never amount to much kind of student.) Yet, he rose from his struggles and decided that he would find his own damn path. Fast forward to today, I consider him a literal superhero. I believe Jim has the power to change the world, as soon as the world is ready to listen.
Throughout Limitless, Jim gives actionable strategies to improve the way you learn, retain information, and think. He really shows you a better way to live your life. From a standpoint of learning, and applying what you have learned to your day to day life. Overall, Jim shows you how to simply become limitless, if you so choose to do so.
This is seriously one of those books that I wish they could adapt into a children’s book of sorts. (Jim, if ever you are reading this, I NEED for you to get this book on the shelves of Elementary Schools across the world.)
7. Untamed by Glennon Doyle
Holy mother of memoirs. I have said it once and I will say it again. For any woman out there who has NOT yet read Untamed, I wholeheartedly believe this should be the next book on your reading list. (Hence my including it here.)
If you have read ANY of Glennon’s other work, buckle up and get ready for a wild ride. Untamed is not any of those. Untamed is a deep dive into Glennon’s own personal journey. A journey of reclaiming who she is, instead of who society expects her to be. Throughout this journey, she poses the same questions she faced to her readers. This is to encourage you to question the societal norms and expectations that define and often limit women’s lives.
Glennon is completely raw. Her authenticity, courageousness and unashamed ability to let go of the responsibility of making choices to please others while letting herself down inspires and empowers in a way you are not soon to forget. You will laugh, cry, get angry and vigorously nod your head in agreement whilst shouting “Oh my freaking lanta, yes! I have so experienced that too!” all while reading this book. Don’t worry, we are all doing it right alongside you.
Plus, when you can bring cheetahs, blow jobs, church permissions slips and beach houses together in one book? Girl you know that is about to be a great read.
8. Greenlights by Matthew McConaughey
Speaking of memoirs, bet you didn’t think one by Matthew McConaughey would make a list of empowerment books for working moms now did you?
And yet, here we are. Why? Because Matthew managed to open my eyes to many places. Places in my own life, where I had opportunities to up-level, if I could just open my damn eyes and see them.
Throughout his novel he talks about the good days, and the bad days. His stories about his dad dragging his brother out of bed in the middle of the night for a drunken bet, to his days as a foreign exchange student present lessons. While these lessons are often humorous, they are lessons in how we often miss “Greenlight” opportunities by not seeing them for what they are. As he shares the stories he has collected over decades in his personal journal, he creates a guide to living life fearlessly, with intention and joy.

Honestly, I feel like any woman who needs to find empowerment could drink some of that kool-aid. Plus, it definitely doesn’t hurt that if you purchase the print “Greenlights” book, you get to follow along with Matthew’s stories in photos from his life. If you purchase the audiobook however, Matthew totally reads his memoir to you.
Either way, you win AND walk away inspired.
9. I Thought It Was Just Me (but it isn’t): Making the Journey from ‘What Will People Think?’ to ‘I Am Enough’ by Brené Brown
Oh, so you thought I was going to make a list of empowerment books for working moms and Brené wasn’t going to make the list?
Ha! Almost had you there.
With her latest book, Brené seemingly pulled out all of the stops for women everywhere. In “I Thought It Was Just Me“, she dives deep into all of the ways that shame influences women’s self-perception, relationships, and sense of belonging. Sharing the stories of women just like you and I, she talks about how we have allowed society shame us into all kinds of self doubt and internal criticism. From the working mom being guilted over continuing her career, to the shame we were taught to feel over trauma’s we experienced, the stories she shares really hit home on many counts.
Aside from just opening the door to these conversations though, Brené’s book also serves as a practical guide. A guide where she gives practical advice for women on ways to reclaim their power. Ways to embrace their imperfections, and recognize that they are enough, just as they are. She empowers us as women, mothers, wives, partners and coworkers. Empowers us to unabashedly show up as our authentic selves with an uncrushable sense of self-worth.
We are more than our shame ladies. Society no longer gets to dictate just how much more we get to be.
10. Bare: A 7-Week Program to Transform Your Body, Get More Energy, Feel Amazing, and Become the Bravest, Most Unstoppable Version of You by Susan Hyatt
If you know me in my personal life, it should come as no surprise that a book by Susan Hyatt is appearing here. For those of you who do not know me personally, let me tell you why Bare makes it onto my must read list of empowerment books for working moms.
Upon being introduced to Bare, I thought I was picking up a book empowering women to ditch diet culture. A book teaching women to love their bodies the way that they are.
What I soon came to find was that it is so much more than that.
Instead, Bare is the ultimate to-do list to uplevel your life and become the brightest, badassiest (yes, I made that word up, go tell the others) version of yourself that you can be.
Over 7 weeks, you follow Susan’s process of practical tips as she helps you to move through personal growth in some ways you haven’t really thought of before. By the time you are finished, you walk away with actionable strategies to drop not just physical weight. You also have a practical guide to drop the weight of the toxic mental bullshit you tend to pollute your mind with on a day to day basis.
Yeah, she is really that good. Better yet is that she actually embodies the things she teaches you in her own day to day life, so you know this stuff works.

A Final Word On My List of Empowerment Books for Working Moms
Well ladies, if you have stuck with me this far, I commend you. I really hope to hear that you check out a few (or all) of the titles on this post, and I would love to hear what you think in the comments below!
For those of you who opened this post expecting to see Rachel Hollis and Jen Babakhan I am sorry to disappoint. I have been there, I have read their work and their books left me…well, wanting something more. Not to knock them if they are for you, just didn’t want you to think I had not considered them for this list as well!
Looking for a few additional words of empowerment before you go? Check out one of my latest posts on unapologetically showing up the brightest version of yourself here.